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Randy and wolves on CBS 60 Minutes, and an interesting rebuttal.


Active member
Jan 26, 2013
For those who missed the live airing of 60 minutes, here's a link. As expected, it portrays wolves as the saviors of the ecological world. Randy has far too little time in the segment, but I'm glad he at least got the chance to be an ambassador for sportsmen.

Also, here's a rebuttal I stumbled upon today. It's a bit one-sided too but helps ad some balance after watching the 60 Minutes segment.

*Apologies if these have been discussed/posted already. Christmas is a busy time....
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Thanks for the link. I’ll keep passing it on for others to view the old mans view. My wife said even before the CBS show was over that it was biased. She said the exact things that was in the old mans rebuttal as we watched the show. I just wish that all the viewers that saw 60Minutes could think for themselves and not be influenced by this propaganda.
For me that link starts as a phizer commercial, then begins the episode for a few seconds and then plays a chantix commercial on repeat.
For me that link starts as a phizer commercial, then begins the episode for a few seconds and then plays a chantix commercial on repeat.

It's bad when your search history knows everything about you and starts picking targeted ads just for you.;)

I keep getting penis-reduction surgery ads on mine.:hump:
I just wish that all the viewers that saw 60Minutes could think for themselves and not be influenced by this propaganda.
As a Montanan living near Yellowstone NP and having viewed wolves in Montana as early as 1990, then following the wolf reintroduction into Yellowstone and the many issues ensuing throughout the region, I don't necessarily see the CBS program as "propaganda". It is important to recognize that the presentation was a narrow focus on establishing the wolf as part of the Yellowstone ecosystem and the changes which ensued in and very near YNP. If you expected a broad discussion on the pros and cons of the many ecological, political, and economic issues, then understandably you would be disappointed ... particularly if you embrace a bias for or against the reintroduction. As an example, many of us were disappointed in monitoring the steep decline of the northern Yellowstone elk herd population and many wanted to immediately point at the wolves. The reality is that not only the wolves, but the bears also increased as elk predators at a time when weather and range conditions also played a factor. Further compounding the reduction in elk numbers were many years of what can be argued were far too many elk tags successfully filled. Point is the elk reduction issue, as well as others during this era, was a complex situation involving the wolf factor as well as many others. To even break the ice concerning this situation as a 60 Minutes segment is impossible. Reading the rebuttal piece linked above illustrates the point in that it attempts to cover much more than even briefly alluded to by the 60 Minutes segment.

For me personally, I have come to understand and accept what is transpiring in Yellowstone and am somewhat relieved by the stabilization of what I feared would be a huge wolf population in YNP. Mitigating depredation to livestock, trapping, and hunting wolves is important to me in that I wish to see the numbers contained throughout the region. On the other hand to rehash the history of the reintroduction in some fruitless attempt to lay blame or elevate one's "I-told-you-so" status is counterproductive. It would serve better to take certain Hunttalkers' path and figure out how to hunt them in an area where you determine they are not welcome in large numbers.
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Interesting piece. Yea it was biased towards how great wolves are but honestly I expected a lot worse. Gotta love Randy's quote that wolves "don't have a rainbow shooting out their ass like everyone would think they do." Lol.

Wish they would have had more of Randy's interview but it was better than no input from a hunter.
Propaganda as a definition is simply a form of communication usually in a biased manner to influence people’s opinions. The information is given in a manner to make people feel a certain way or feel a certain thing. I’m sorry if that is all I got out of it. Maybe CBS will do better the next time. I will add that the wolf reintroduction has made a lot of money for a lot of people so I guess you can say it has spurred the economy. Just an observation.