Ramshot Big Game 308/30-06


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
I picked up Big Game and 165 SP BT. Figuring BG was perfect in ‘06 and slow for caliber in .308. The ‘06 will be Model 70 Win 22”. 308 will be 20” DPMS AR.

I have reloaded different powders/bullets in 270 Win so I’m not concerned over the ‘06. Has anyone loaded BG with a heavier bullet in a gas gun? I’m thinking I ought to make COL standard 2.8 and won’t load past 50gr.
Been a bit of a set back as my Lee resizer ripped entirely out of the collet and by the time I could put it back, the 308 was in TX. I don’t even own a 308 or ‘06, funny what we do for family. Anyhow, has anyone loaded 165 in 308?
About all I ever shot in my old 308 was 165gr Hornady SP's. Up in Alaska I did load it with some 200gr bullet's to take in fishing. Alaska fish get big and mean! :) Long as I'm here, all I load in my 30-06 is 180gr bullet's and all I use it for is elk. Have not used a 30-06 ever before the one I have now and had it about 10yrs before I ever used it.
I didn't have any luck with Big Game I'm my .308. It's excellent in 7mm-08 though. I haven't tried it in 30-06, but it's burn rate is pretty much in the range of other -06 powders, I think it might be pretty good with some experimentation. I've plugged in some numbers on GRT that look good. That's all theoretical, though.

My go-to powders for 165gn bullets in .308 are Varget and the ever-underrated H4895.
I use ramshot hunter with Barnes 168 TTSX that shoots really well in my old man's 30-06. Haven't tried big game in that one.
What velocities do you get? I just bought a pound of blc2 to experiment with 165s in my boot gun. I got to about 2750 when pressure signs showed up.
I was able to get to the 2700 fps range with BLC-2. So you’re in the range.

For .308/223/5.56/.30-06, I tend to stick with the 4895/4064 loads. They may be “rainbow” ballistics, but every service rifle shooter has dope that will damn near get you on the black or “X” to spot you.

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