Rabbit beagle

Don't make a pet out of it; it can be a hunting dog or a pet, but not both.
That may (or may not) be true with beagles, but my labs have always been driven hunters in the field and couch potatoes in the house. I prefer to view my dogs as members of the family who like to hunt, not an object to hunt. YMMV.
Best of luck to you and your pup. I’m also fulfilling a dream of mine in and will have my first hunting dog in March. Likewise I hope to have it as a pet, but also be ready to roll when it’s time to hit the squirrel and coon woods. Keep us update on how the training and next season hunting is coming along.
I don't know why you're calling B.S. on my statement so I'll try to simplify it for you. I don't allow ANY dogs in my house for any reason; period. You can sleep with yours if you like, I couldn't care less. Conditions have nothing to do with my choice.

the post I meant to call B.S. on is the "it can be a hunting dog, or a pet but not both." Absolutely not true and pretty antiquated thinking. To the OP, you can have a great pet and hunting dog, all mine are as well as thousands of others around the country