Question for ND Guys


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2010
SE South Dakota
I am trying to find out when bighorn sheep hunting started in ND and how many tags are issued each year. I know that there are 3 tags and an auction tag this year, but cannot find any historical data on NDGF website. Can anyone help me?
I'm not sure when the first season opened in ND. I think it's been at least 30 or 40 years though. I wouldn't be surprised if an article has been written about it in the ND Outdoors Magazine but it'd take you forever to find any articles in there about it. I think your best bet would be to email somebody at the Game and Fish Department. Try emaling Doug Leier. His email is [email protected] He has always been extremely helpful to me and usually responds very quickly. He might not know the answer but I'm sure he can put you in contact with someone that might be able to help out.
warmer, Bighorn Sheep hunting existed when I started applying 20+ years ago, but I don't know when it all first started... The number of tags has fluctuated over the years and at times one or two of the units were closed (due to low population or freshly transplanted sheep), then that same area would be re-opened in later years. I'll try doing some more research and get back to you.with a more accurate response.
I received the following information from Bret Wiedmann; he’s a big game biologist for the state of North Dakota located in Dickinson and he specializes in the management of ND’s bighorn sheep herds, his office number is (701) 227-7431.

The first ND bighorn sheep season was held in 1975 and twelve licenses were issued. The following year, the number of tags was decreased to ten licenses and by 1979 there were two licenses issued. The bighorn sheep season was closed for four years (1980 through 1983); otherwise there has been a season every year. Their management goal is seven or eight bighorn sheep tags per year, but since the early 2000’s it’s been averaging around four to six tags per year. Weather (harsh winters) and predators (mountain lions) are a couple of main factors affecting herd populations and tag allotment.

The “once in a lifetime” lottery was initially limited to ND residents only, but ND’s state legislature changed that and since 1999 non-residents can apply as well. Only one non-resident has been drawn in the open lottery since the system was implemented. The highest number of lottery applicants was about 11,500 with the more recent average in the 9,000 to 10,000 range (of those about 100 are non-residents). End result; there is no points system, its pure luck of the draw…with success rate about one in 2,500.

Each year since 1986 one of the allotted ND bighorn sheep tag has been “auctioned off” to the highest bidder. Anyone can bid on this tag; you just need to have a lot of money tucked away in your hunting fund…it went for $75,000 this year!
Muledeer, since the auction tag was implemented, has there been an increase in tag allotments? Do you feel the auction tag has increased oppurtunities to harvest rams? SD started the auction this year under the premise tags will increase in the future. I just wonder if they really will. By the way, Thank You very much for the info.
Warmer, this is purely my personal opinion and I don’t have any data to back it up, but I feel that the auction has not increased the tag allotments in any way, shape or form. I think it really comes down to sheep population and health of the herds... If anything, the auction has caused the lottery system to take a step backwards... If the auction tag was put into the general pool, then the total number of general lottery tags would increase and in turn the general lottery draw odds would improve (ever so slightly).

As far as the auction tag increasing opportunities to harvest rams; well...definitely as long as you're the person who spent $75,000 for the auction tag, otherwise not! Someone out there might disagree with my belief, but they probably have the cash on hand to purchase these auction tags (that they would most likely never draw before going to their grave) or is the agency depositing the auction check into their bank account.

Something else to keep in mind; it's hard to compare states and say what happens in this state will happen in your state... South Dakota may have better sheep population or healthy herds which would support more tags going forward, so milder winters (both past/future) and fewer predators (going forward) will be keys to SD’s sheep numbers. I read an article where the South Dakota bighorn sheep permit sold for $102,000 this year. Now, I wouldn’t spend that kind of money for a bighorn sheep permit without being forced to change my handle to something else, like bighornsheepjunkie!

It was a pleasure to share this info (and my opinion) with you, best of luck to you in your bighorn sheep adventures!
Who spends your auction tag money? Is there any visible signs the money is being used to "put more sheep on the mountain"? I was against this auction tag from the beginning, but it is now in place and I will live with it. I drew a tag in '08, so I am done hunting here in SD. Our sheep numbers have really shrunk and we were down from 5 tags to 2 tags last year. Along comes this auction idea and sudenly we have enough sheep for a third tag, so it gets auctioned! Just wish we could deal with low sheep numbers differently than stealing a tag from the regular SD hunter and giving it to someone who has the money to pay 102K! (stepping off the soap box now)
warmer- As memory serves, the auction money goes to G&F and directly to sheep research/efforts. It does not go to state general fund or even G&F general fund.

EX The funds could go to the costs of aerial survey or a study to identify the impacts of the oil boom on sheep. (I know they relocated a herd from near the North unit as they were crossing the highway and getting plugged by semi's.) That relocation would have costs vs letting them continue to get killed and leaving them where they were at.
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