Caribou Gear

Question about an error I made.

Admittedly I've never shot loads that far below the minimum recommend. When working on load development, I routinely go .5 grains or even a little higher, but I work up to that and carfully watch for pressure signs. I've never gone as high an 2.5 above and if I had a mind to, I would certainly work up to it and wouldn't just start there.

The OP can certainly do what he wants, but in my opinion, this is not a safe thing to do. Might shoot them all and it will be fine, might damage his rifle, might shoot his eye out. H4350 isn't a powder that people work with for "reduced" loads, at least not that I've ever heard of, not like H4895.
When I can't find any published info for a reloading question I have I go right to the source. Call Hogdon or Hornady and talk with someone in tech support. The times I have done this ,someone was available right then to talk. I have been given lots of good reloading data that is not published, but tested by them, that way.
With no die in the press, put a loaded round in the shell holder and run it all the way up until it sticks out of the top of the press. Since your bullets have a cannelure simply grip them there with a side cutter pliers and exert a little downward force until the bullet is partially pulled. Reseat until the bolt closes on a loaded round with a bit of resistance. Fire when ready. Since they are mostly supposed to be sighters, a couple marks on the bullet won't matter.
Two kinds of people still walking the Earth: smart and lucky. Which would you rather be?
I’ve met a lot of dumb folks with no luck. There the ones you see in their pajama pants at Walmart buying Lotto tickets to win it big.

As to the OP they are fine to shoot. But it’s your money, not mine, so if it bothers you just pull them.
If they really are dumb I'd say "they're" darn lucky just to have made it that far....

There's enough advice on here for the OP to make up his mind.

Good luck!
I wasnt being frugel, i just goofed up and wondered if it was worth the effort for what i thought was a minor error. I remeasured them all to 51gr and reseated the same bullets, as there were no marks on them. Admittedly, neck tension was a bit less the second time around.
I am glad i asked the question, lots of opinions out there.
I wasnt being frugel, i just goofed up and wondered if it was worth the effort for what i thought was a minor error. I remeasured them all to 51gr and reseated the same bullets, as there were no marks on them. Admittedly, neck tension was a bit less the second time around.
I am glad i asked the question, lots of opinions out there.

Many folks think/believe that .001 neck tension is enough. I prefer more. But since they're sighters you're ok on that.

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