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Quality Binoculars -- Information Wanted

Hey Jacks Hole'Conner, how about posting some photos of those giant mule deer bucks your thutty-thutty/$29.00 Bushnell Combo produces? And don't give that lame excuse about not having any photos, or a scanner, or not knowing anyone with a scanner. Even in South Dakota they have cameras and scanners. Your daddy isn't your brother by any chance is he?
I think anyone purchasing binoculars should try to evaluate the Eagle Optics Platinum Class Ranger roof prism binoculars. $100 rebate until May 31, 2003. They are carried by Wild Birds Unlimited where one can look through them. They have stores in Coeur d'Alene, Spokane and Polson. Info is at the Eagle Optics website,

I feel there is not much difference in optical quality between the Eagle Optics Platinum Class Ranger and similarly configured Trinovid Leicas costing 3 times as much. They are worth a look.
I bought a pair of pentax 10x42 dcf-wp and I absolutely HATE them, don't buy them. They are terrible in low light situations. Save your money and get go with the Leica or Swarovski.
AZ- Give you $50 for 'em?
Hmm, I guess I should probably let you have them for $76.00, but ...??? Ok.. I'll let you off for that... Besides, I'd just give'em away or sell them at the gun show or something...

If your gonna give 'em away, I'll let you outbid me!
I know someone in UT that you could give them to!
Naturally, the best are Zeiss, Leica, and Swarovs.. The B&L Elites are surprisingly good, as are some of the other mid price range. When you're looking at the top of the line the quality differences in the lenses are so tiny nobody will ever be able to notice them. What does make a difference is other qualities---like how comfortable they feel in your hands (kinda like buying shoes or a bicycle), weight, balance, etc. and those are all individual preferences.

Everyone's eyes are slightly different and many have slight differences in color perception (like varying degrees of color blindness you may not even know about) and because of lens coatings some binocs may seem clearer or sharper than others. That's often an individual thing.

Never bother looking thru binocs in the store, except to get a feel for the comfort and weight. Store lighting varies from natural light and some cheap binocs actually have lense coatings that make them perform well in florescent lighting because the manufacturers know many uneducated customers will make their binoc decisions by looking at a wall fifty feet away in a store.

Insist on going outside. Do it at a few different times of the day so you get varying light---especially poor light. Use something for an "eye chart" a few hundred yards away. And be carefull you don't subconsciously remember what you're reading as you try different binocs. I put up "eye charts" (anything with print will do) at varying distances if there isn't anything handy to look at. You can just tape something to your car window and park in different spots in the parking lot or down the street. That's the best way. And vary the charts. Take lots of time over a few weeks if you want to spend your $ wisely.

I use Zeiss 10x40, 8x30 and 10x25 depending on what I'm hunting, scouting, or whatever else I'm doing. They work best for me, but I'd NEVER tell anyone what is going to be best for them. It all comes down to individual eyes and preferences.

That's why ya need a good store with lots of choices to shop at.

When I semi retired for awhile and took a few different jobs I thought would be fun to try I worked part time in the binoc dept. at Sportsman's Warehouse for a few months. I sold more expensive, good quality binocs than the other three full time employees put together and I did it by following the advice above. I especially liked taking the customers outside because it got me out of the store for awhile,
and they were usually amazed at the differences they could see in cheap VS good quality lenses. You can't tell anything by looking at the moose on the store wall forty feet away.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-03-2003 13:40: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>

Thanks for the response, and I have now made about 3 trips into Sportsman's Warehouse, and I haven't quite felt close enough to buying that I insist on going outside. And none of the guys behind the counter have offered it yet.

So I have been reading boxes upstairs over the fishing equipment on the back wall of the store. I agree, the B&L Elite seem to be nice glasses, and were pushed by the sales guy at SW. Is there a good commission on those???

I kind of keep drifting back to the Kahles 10x40, and trying to see if it is justified to spend more on the Zeiss or Leica or Swarvos.

What was your impression of the Kahles when you were selling them?

B&L and Bushnell do run sales contests from time to time so maybe there's one going on, but the Elites were always a good one to sell because they are good quality for the money and a good mid range binoc. Hard to go wrong with them.

We never sold many Kahles. I liked them but they were relatively unknown and most people were skeptical about something they had never heard of, so they were a hard sell.

Make sure you go outside.

Before you buy Zeiss or Leica check prices with Charlie at Workman's Outfitters on Vista in Boise. He carrys them and will often deal on price.
Ended up going Zeiss 10x40 Classics. Love 'em, Love 'em, Love 'em, Love 'em, Love 'em, Love 'em, Love 'em, Love 'em, Love 'em, Love 'em,

I spent plenty of time this fall looking thru buddies' Swarvors and Leicas, and I did not have a regret. The Swarvo guys all liked the weight and feel of the Zeiss.

I can honestly say I SAW more Elk this year, and I think it is because I either enjoyed glassing for a longer time, or I was trying to justify the $$$$, but in either case, I did see more Elk than ever, so that is a good thing.

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