Q. on sightin in 22-250


New member
Feb 17, 2009
I was talkin to delw and he said he had his 22-250 sighted in at dead on @ 230, 235, 240 or something, it was a long time ago so he couldnt remember exactly what it was, so my Q is, 22-250 hornady 50gn v-max,moly, at 100 yds +.80----200yds 0---- and 300yds, -4.90. At what distance could I sight in at dead 0 to make the distance between 100yards and 300 yards the equal distance? say like 2" + or -??? 235 or so might be reel close, but is there a formula to go by? Or just kinda split the differance between the two and shoot a ton of shots to fine tune and keep measuring.|oo
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The only way to be sure is to shoot it at various ranges to see what is 'dead on'. Change in temp, elevation and air density has an effect on BC. The BC listed for bullets is set under controled conditions and is an average. BC is NOT a "constant" but changes as velocity decreases/increases.

Also you have to understand that a bullet does not fly in a perfect arc, it ocilates in a cork screw flight pattern which inturn effects BC, all barrels create a diffrent flight pattern.

Programs will get you close, but its hard to say exactly where a bullet will impact unless you shoot it at that range. You could take 2 identical rifles, shooting the same velocity, and both will have diffrent POI at diffrent ranges.

Hows that for an answer? :)
Kevin I think It was 320 or 325 what ever point blank range was for that round.
It sounds complicated but it really isnt.
when a bullet leaves a barrel it arcs down, when you throw a scope on it the bullet still arcs down but the way the scope is mounted it makes it so the bullet arcs up then down. due to the line of sight on the scope.
ran the 50gn vmax moly b/c .242, 0 @ 230yards puts me at -1.1@100 and +1.1@300 wala I love it. thanks delw. now take me to that PD farm up north west.
Hmm? Bullets don't travel in a ballistic curve. They travel in an arc that is eliptical. That is to say that the side before the crest is not equal to the side after the crest. THe point at which they are equal is a function of the velocity and the ballistic coefficient and the velocity. With an extimated velocity of 3650 and a ballistic coefficient of about .235, you should be about equal in rise and drop at around 243 yards....give or take a lie or two.

Hmm? Bullets don't travel in a ballistic curve. They travel in an arc that is eliptical. That is to say that the side before the crest is not equal to the side after the crest. THe point at which they are equal is a function of the velocity and the ballistic coefficient and the velocity. With an extimated velocity of 3650 and a ballistic coefficient of about .235, you should be about equal in rise and drop at around 243 yards....give or take a lie or two.

I'm just goin by the Hornady calculater, I haven't shot these #'s yet. I'll bet thier damn close though, 0 at 200, 100 is +.80 and at 300 it's -4.90 and muzzle isn't 3650 on the 50gn it's 3800. so it outa be close to 230 0
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