Push back on House Rules - What you can do

I butted heads with McCarthy in DC & in the Sierras' @ meetings way back when he was Bill Thomas' aide.
Guy gave me the willies! Reminded me of a greasy used car salesman in a sharkskin suit.
Rep. Coffman has been sent an email this morning outlining my concerns related to the language in question seen on page 32 of HR5; Senator's Gardner and Bennet will also be receiving correspondence and I appreciate your insight regarding the Senate rules, Randy. It's also interesting to me that the 3 dissenting Republicans for HR5 all came from the midwest and east (Massie (KY), Amash (MI) and Jones (NC)).

Massie and Amash are libertarians. They probably voted against it for other reasons not related to the federal lands. Or they didn't think it went far enough.
Done from Utah....uughhh. Feels like an especially interesting battle with the chuckle heads we have as elected officials here. Getting off my butt and into the battle. Thanks for leading the way.
Just sent mine and in less then a minute I received this...

This is what I would do.
Divide the text into individual points and rebuttals.
For example

Currently, federal land management agencies are struggling to properly maintain and manage these lands.

My reply

I find it interesting that you would bring up the underfunded
Federal agencies who are incharge of caring for public lands. I believe it would be in the American public's best interest to charge a reasonable fee for grazing on public lands the current fee of $2.11 per Cow\calf per month is an artificially low number. Furthermore we need to stop playing politics by purposely defunding federal agencies in charge of public assets in order to prove a point.
Again this is just what I would do to let her know that she has not pulled the wool over your eyes with her response. Every single point she has made has a very logical rebuttal.
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This is what I would do.
Divide the text into individual points and rebuttals.
For example

My reply

Again this is just what I would do to let her know that she has not pulled the wool over your eyes with her response. Every single point she has made has a very logical rebuttal.

I did that right away emphasizing the fact I did not like an immediate prepacked auto reply and that the reply didn't even respond to my concerns about the shady accounting practices in the move and the fact that it was purely designed to make it easier to sell federal lands and not show the loss, which in the private sector would be called fraud.
Senator James Risch sent back a heart-felt response, he really seems to listen.

Senator Gardner is going to get back to me...

Thank you for contacting me. I appreciate hearing from you and knowing what issues are most important to you. I ask for your patience as we work to respond to the high volume of mail my office receives each day and will get back to you as quickly as possible. Please note that replying to this e-mail will send it to an unmonitored account-I will send you a separate e-mail with a response to your message. Thank you again.


Cory Gardner
United States Senator
Can somebody send me the text of the email you are sending? Many of you understand the specifics better and are more eloquent in your delivery. Thanks!
I sent something to both of my senators, focusing on the financial accountability angle. I am sure that is the only thing that has any chance of appealing to the gentlemen from Texas.
Senator Gardner is going to get back to me...

Fun fact with Senator James Risch, R-Idaho. Public Lands and Hunting are not options for issues to contact him about.

He is more than willing to hear from you on Abortion, Agriculture, Eagle Scouts, Guns and Inauguration 2009...

Oh, and autographed pictures. I wonder if he wants me to send my picture to his local office or his DC office??

Risch Email Options.jpg
^Nor is it an option for my senators or congressman...or Zinke, because I emailed him a while back.
Can somebody send me the text of the email you are sending? Many of you understand the specifics better and are more eloquent in your delivery. Thanks!

Something similar to this as if you would be talking to them face-to-face. Randy had this in his first post.

"On Tuesday, the House of Representatives passed H. Res. 5, the House Rules package. In that package the House removed the requirement that revenue losses related to disposal of Federal lands need to be accounted for in all land transactions. I am writing to request that you keep intact the rules related to lost revenues on disposal of Federal lands and reject the change passed by the House of Representatives."
I sent Rob Portman (OH) off an email this morning. I'm still waiting for a response. I'm hoping he would be a dissenting vote but doubt it. He has voted positively on issues concerning public land before.
Fun fact with Senator James Risch, R-Idaho. Public Lands and Hunting are not options for issues to contact him about.

He is more than willing to hear from you on Abortion, Agriculture, Eagle Scouts, Guns and Inauguration 2009...

Oh, and autographed pictures. I wonder if he wants me to send my picture to his local office or his DC office??

View attachment 66356

When I emailed Sentator Tester- D- Montana, his list of topics looked very similar. No option for public lands or hunting, or autographed picture.
However, I'm expecting him to vote against it.
Received my response from Senator Risch. Nothing regarding that he would like to discuss anything with me.

[email protected]
3:21 PM (2 hours ago)

to me
Thank you for your e-mail. Your input is important to me and the work I do on behalf of you and all Idahoans.
From Bennet yesterday...

Thank you for your message.

My staff and I look forward to reading more about your ideas. We'll keep your thoughts in mind as we review relevant legislation and further consider this issue.

Keeping in touch is important to me. The best ideas come from people in Colorado, not from politicians in Washington. That's why it's critical for us to hear your opinions on ways to build a better future for Colorado and the country.

To stay up-to-date on the work we're doing, please visit our website, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks again for contacting me.

Michael F. Bennet
United States Senator

I don't expect an immediate response from any of them. Tipton responded earlier this week with a form letter which had little/nothing to do with PLT. His staffer must have been having a bad day. I emailed him again this morning.

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