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Public Wolf Reintroduction mtg 2nite Dec. 17th


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
western Colorado
Garfield County is hosting CPW at a public forum tonight, Dec. 17th from 6-8 pm in New Castle, Colo. at New Hope Church, next to City Market. Address is 880 Castle Valley Blvd. Purpose is for CPW to provide updates and receive public comment/questions on plans to drop more wolves in Colo in January. Per CPW, target drop zones are limited to Garfield (my home county), Pitkin and Eagle Counties.

Hope I see some HTers there and that y'all speak up! I will be one of the folks organizing things for the meeting and likely running the microphone around the room during Q&A so say howdy.

Garfield County is hosting CPW at a public forum tonight, Dec. 17th from 6-8 pm in New Castle, Colo. at New Hope Church, next to City Market. Address is 880 Castle Valley Blvd. Purpose is for CPW to provide updates and receive public comment/questions on plans to drop more wolves in Colo in January. Per CPW, target drop zones are limited to Garfield (my home county), Pitkin and Eagle Counties.

Hope I see some HTers there and that y'all speak up! I will be one of the folks organizing things for the meeting and likely running the microphone around the room during Q&A so say howdy.

Can you summarize the meeting here? Thanks in advance.