Public Land Colorado - Highest of Highs & Lowest of Lows


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2015
I posted this on a couple forums hoping someone may find my bull.

I want to start by saying that I am very proud of my wife for getting her first elk with a bow. It was text book execution/shot and it happened on the first night we were in camp.

Located the bull, stepped on him, pissed him off, worked the wind, all the cards hit the table exactly correctly. 5 yards broadside. Bull ran 100 yards and was dead in 5 minutes. Very proud of her.



Then onto the bad part and this is not to take away from my wife's terrific trophy. More to let people know what the real world is like out there in the world of OTC archery hunting in Colorado.

On the last morning of my hunt I was able to sneak in on a really big herd bull and his cows up in a rock slide.

Unfortunately, things fell apart and the herd busted and the bull circled underneath me and came right up the side of the rock-slide I was in. I settled the pin behind his shoulder and touched the release at 25 yards and I somehow made a bad gut shot (1/3 way up the elk 1/2 way between the hams and the back of the front shoulder) at close range on a very nice bull (6X6 or a 7X7) I have no idea in the world how I hit where I did. I dont know if I caught a strap on my pack or what happened. It all happened so quick and I was in shock where the arrow hit. Literally I have replayed it 6000 times in my head and I dont understand how it happened.

He was mine...finally at 25 yards after all the miles traveled..and trips taken.....I was calm, settled the pin and had a smooth release....and zing...right in the damn guts...The bull started trotting up the mountain in the wide open.

Realizing what had happened I quickly ran up the slide and I followed up with a poor shoulder shot at 60 yards in the blowing winds.

6" to the left and he would be mine. In hindsight I should have held mid-body and tried to just get another arrow into the center mass of the elk for the sake of just getting another arrow into something that would kill him. But I held lungs and the arrow just got taken the the right by the brutal gusting winds right into the shoulder.

I then sat there and watched the bull walk across a rock slide with guts hanging out the hole in his one side and go into a patch of timber where I felt he would bed down.

Upon leaving the slide I felt confident that if I was able to leave him overnight I would be able to recover him in the morning. I wasn't happy about the shots but with time he would definitely die.

When I left the slide I ran into a Resident hunter and spoke to him for about 15 minuted about the situation. We even exchanged cell phone numbers.

I asked him what his plans where for the day and he said that he had intended to go up into the area where my bull had just laid down. I told him the story about what had just happened and I repeatedly requested that he not go up into the area because I didn't want to bump the bull from the slide area because I knew we would be getting some rain that afternoon. Sneaking up on the bull in the position he was in would be almost impossible and I didn't want to chance it so I decided against that.

The guy agreed that he would circle low and go WAY out around to avoid bumping the bull. So I thanked him many times and we parted company. I then left the slide and so did he.

Sure enough, we got an inch of rain that afternoon/evening.

I went back in the next morning and saw fresh man tracts had been up the trail heading to where the bull had bedded. We walked up to where the bull had entered the timber and there was no blood just a bed where he had laid down and some bile in the bed. I recovered both my arrows and they were clean. I then spent the day on a 45 degree slope and many miles covering that timber patch and a huge surrounding radius of the area. I tracked my every track with my GPS and I looked everywhere. Later that day I found two little pieces of meat where the bull had entered the trees (And I mean little) . I personally put at least 10 miles on looking for the bull and my friend out the same amount of effort in before throwing in the towel. We just could not figure out what had happened. Where could he have possibly gone? He was so freaking sick and just wanted to bed down....

We headed back to camp.

Later that evening, the same guy strolled into my camp and asked me how things were going. I told him not good that I was not able to find my bull and that I could believe that he had went out of that timber patch and that I had looked everywhere for him.

Then the guy tells me that " Oh we were up there yesterday after you left and we found blood in the rock slide above where you said he went into that timber patch"

I didn't even know what to say...

He then went on to tell me how "he had shot at a bull up there after he had left us and had missed it with his bow"

I said "I though I asked you to stay clear of that slide because I had gutted that bull up there and I didn't want to push him?!"

He said that they had "gone around well below the bull but his other buddy was up there anyways"

I just looked at him, still not even knowing what to say....

Trying to get any form of closure, I then asked him if he had followed the blood and shot at an elk or if he had called in a different bull and he hesitated and then he had told me that they had "just seen a bull walking through the timber and he shot over it"

I was floored. Not really knowing what to think of the situation.

One of the nicest bulls I have ever seen on public land. And he got bumped by another hunter who couldn't respect my wishes and now he is gone forever.

Makes me freaking sick.

Things I have accepted form this hunt:

# 1 - I made a poor shot and this is on ME not the other hunter.
#2 - I made a poor followup shot and this is on ME not the other hunter.
#3 - No matter where you are at there are people and you will NOT be able to control or persuade them to not be knuckleheads.
#4 - Public land is public land. People are going to do whatever they want whenever they want.

If anyone hears of anyone finding a 300+" 6X6 or 7X7 in the Colorado Flattops this season please let me know.

If anyone wonders, Yes, I punched my tag and did not go after another bull.

In 23 years of bow hunting this is the first animal I have mortally wounded and never recovered. It truly makes me want to throw up.

Sad ending but thats my elk story for 2019 and thats a wrap folks.
Man thats tough deal I bet you wanted to punch the A-hole that obviously went after your wounded elk in my opinion. I’d watch for birds they give it up every time.
Man, that's a tough deal. I know hindsight is 20/20, and Monday morning quarterbacking is easy, but I might have stood guard over where he was bedded until night fall, at least having now heard your story, that's what I think I'd do in the future if I am ever confronted with that situation. Hard to comment on the other hunter's actions, but it does suck that he wasn't more considerate of your situation. Either way congrats to your wife, and sorry your hunt ended on a less positive note.
Good on you for not going after another bull. From a conservation perspective it's the right thing to do since you knew it would die. Only thing lost is the meat but scavengers have to eat too.
That's shitty man, but the way the cards fall sometimes I suppose.

I know we'd all like to blame the other hunter for bumping your elk, but I can understand where he came from a little. If someone asked me not to go into a certain piece of public ground I would be hard pressed to agree if I thought there was something worthwhile in there.
Now in your particular case I would have probably avoided it just because you said you wounded an elk there, but people lie and how would I know you weren't just trying to keep me away from your honey hole? I'm not saying you would do that, I'm just saying other people in this world would do that in a heartbeat.... I think "guarding" over that spot is probably what this world requires now to make sure people don't bump a wounded animal...
Man, that's a tough deal. I know hindsight is 20/20, and Monday morning quarterbacking is easy, but I might have stood guard over where he was bedded until night fall, at least having now heard your story, that's what I think I'd do in the future if I am ever confronted with that situation. Hard to comment on the other hunter's actions, but it does suck that he wasn't more considerate of your situation. Either way congrats to your wife, and sorry your hunt ended on a less positive note.
I was thinking the same thing. Not that it probably made any difference, but maybe you would have gotten info on which way they pushed it at least.

Two years ago was my year. I hit a young bull high (I think he survived) and found the last drop of blood about a mile from where I shot him. He never laid down. I still think about that shot - easiest one I have ever had on an elk (20 yds broadside) - and still not sure how I messed it up. Hang in there.
Sorry to hear, but not surprised which is sad. Hindsight is 20/20. I’m sure you would have handled it differently knowing what you know now. The thing is you didn’t know it then. Thanks for sharing this story.
That sucks to hear but I would say your bull is probably not on the mountain dead or alive. If he was willing to bump the bull I bet he would also be willing to claim it as his own.
Sorry that just sucks.. but thanks for sharing. It’s hard to think some people aren’t the hunters we like to think of our selves as. If that was me up there and bumped into what seemed like a legit hunter I would have done what I could to help out.
I'm sorry that happened but wanted to say thanks very much for sharing. This isn't the type of story that ends up on TV shows or YouTube but it is extremely educational nonetheless. Especially as a new big game hunter I very much appreciate the honest reflection.
Bummer man! We were in a similar situation a couple weeks ago, but we were the ones asked not to bump the bull. We'd spotted a herd with two bulls, one nice 6x and a decent satellite, crossed a canyon, climbed the other side, and were within 150yds of where the bulls were with the wind in our favor, when a guy and his granddaughter came walking out of the trees (right after I'd joked that the setup was so perfect only another hunter could blow it for us!). He'd made a lousy shot on a small bull an hour before and said it went almost in the exact direction we needed to go. He asked us not to go that way and you could tell he felt like garbage about the situation, so we went waaaaay around and came up the other side of the hill with a much less optimal setup, and didn't find the bull we were looking for, BUMMER...BUT, my buddy killed a nice one the next day and the old guy stopped by our camp that evening and said he also recovered his bull a couple hours after the initial shot and a few hundred yards below where we saw him. So it was a win-win in my book...
Way to go on giving it your best effort. Even if you hadn't told the resident about the bull he probably still would have gone in there and bumped him because he told you he was planning to hunt that area anyways.
Congratulations to your better half, and condolences on the loss of the big bull. Thanks for sharing both ends of the spectrum of your Colorado adventure.
Look on the bright side. Although the odds aren't good. Maybe the bull lived. They're pretty tough.
Unfortunately, yes. I got a good look at where the arrow hit him as he crossed the rock-slide.

And he was broadside so there was 0 chance in organs being hit in that location.

Thanks for holding your comments I feel bad enough as it you can imagine, I'm not exactly proud of what happened here.
I know you're not. Mistakes are made by all of us. As long as we learn from them it's all we can do.
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