Caribou Gear

Public Land and Over the Counter Moose Hunt

My meat arrived today. If you ever go to Alaska moose hunting, bring coolers and bring your meat home as checked baggage - shipping is crazy expensive. Alaska Airlines was fantastic - we had to change flights and they made it simple and no charge. They assigned a person to us to help with guns and our large amount of baggage.

It is only going to get more expensive. To get in with good outfitters/pilots you have to get in line for years sometimes.

I will post more about the hunt when I have time (equipment, budget, things I learned, etc.). This was my first trip to AK and it was a bit intimidating at first from a planning perspective. I will go back to AK likely fishing - I wish I had started going when I was younger.

Even with 15+ points for moose in multiple states I will never draw a moose tag in the lower 48 - don't waste your money buying moose points go to AK. I wasted a lot of money on these points and finally realized this and stopped buying points.
My meat arrived today. If you ever go to Alaska moose hunting, bring coolers and bring your meat home as checked baggage - shipping is crazy expensive. Alaska Airlines was fantastic - we had to change flights and they made it simple and no charge. They assigned a person to us to help with guns and our large amount of baggage.

It is only going to get more expensive. To get in with good outfitters/pilots you have to get in line for years sometimes.

I will post more about the hunt when I have time (equipment, budget, things I learned, etc.). This was my first trip to AK and it was a bit intimidating at first from a planning perspective. I will go back to AK likely fishing - I wish I had started going when I was younger.

Even with 15+ points for moose in multiple states I will never draw a moose tag in the lower 48 - don't waste your money buying moose points go to AK. I wasted a lot of money on these points and finally realized this and stopped buying points.
How about the story of your hunt?
I love these DIY OTC stories. Anyone can do it! All it took was an airplane to get you there. lol

Those are incredible bulls! Congrats. Definitely bucket list that will happen in the future.
My meat arrived today. If you ever go to Alaska moose hunting, bring coolers and bring your meat home as checked baggage - shipping is crazy expensive. Alaska Airlines was fantastic - we had to change flights and they made it simple and no charge. They assigned a person to us to help with guns and our large amount of baggage.

It is only going to get more expensive. To get in with good outfitters/pilots you have to get in line for years sometimes.

I will post more about the hunt when I have time (equipment, budget, things I learned, etc.). This was my first trip to AK and it was a bit intimidating at first from a planning perspective. I will go back to AK likely fishing - I wish I had started going when I was younger.

Even with 15+ points for moose in multiple states I will never draw a moose tag in the lower 48 - don't waste your money buying moose points go to AK. I wasted a lot of money on these points and finally realized this and stopped buying points.
Great job! I have looked at hunts in Alberta. Your bull moose would scare the crap out of an Albertan or Shiras bull moose! Wow!!
2 people total on the trip? Would love some details! What an amazing hunt!!
I just returned from a moose hunt on public land with an over-the-counter tag. Of course, the challenge is getting there. None the less these opportunities exist. It was a great hunt that frankly wore me out. The hunting and scenery were exceptional, the weather was brutal with wind, rain, cold, fog, humidity, etc. Self-guided and self-outfitted.
You did great, congratulations

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