Protect me from myself!!


New member
Jun 27, 2016
I need to make the most out of my scouting time. With limited days available, I know the right thing to do is save my days, head down to my unit before my hunt and scout for bulls after they have moved into their rutting areas. I can learn the unit, find access points, and maximize my time.
I know what I should do, but I AM LOSING MY MIND!!! I NEED to see the unit. I NEED to see elk on the hoof. I DON'T THINK I CAN TAKE IT MUCH LONGER!!
Talk me off the cliff. (I am a weak man!)
Cant help you. When I want to see my hunting spot I just drive an hour, walk for 2 and enjoy the scenery. Don't be hatin of the harder parts about too far away to scout. Not that this will make you feel any better but my last trip out to Wyoming I decided to scout a potential area for a future hunt and was glad I did. The terrain was definitely bigger in person than what it looked on Google Earth!
I feel ya! I have several spots picked out on google earth, but they are 20 miles in and I need a good 4 days just to check them out. Hopefully you can get in there early and find some good areas.
I live 10-45min from the areas I hunt and it's all I can do to get through the week. Going over maps, training and shooting at the range makes it bearable.
I hear you brother. I got my tag in the mail today and now its even worse. October cant come soon enough. My wife has been yelling at me because all I have been watching is elk hunting. 3 months 5 days until I leave but who is counting! haha
Aw, the voice of reason. Thanks for settling me down. I did not realize how bad my elk addiction really is. I may need medication! (Or a job with more time off!)
I hear you brother. I got my tag in the mail today and now its even worse. October cant come soon enough. My wife has been yelling at me because all I have been watching is elk hunting. 3 months 5 days until I leave but who is counting! haha

Haha, sounds like me. I've seen almost every elk hunting YouTube video posted. That's what I fall asleep to at nights.
I'm planning to maybe go scouting this weekend. It would be an 8 hour round trip just for a half day of scouting.

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