Well-known member
Happy to drop these fictitious people off at the train station. Seriously though: move to Montana, take a massive pay cut, enjoy our 6 month winter, most of our restaurants are also “casinos” so it’s classy as hell here, the rural people that you think are like you are actually high on meth and monster energy drinks and they’ll steal anything that isn’t bolted down, you will face some of the highest housing prices in the nation while your kids get one of the worst educations. All of this and more can be yours. Do it, move here so you can drive your side by side around for 5 weeks a year and be a cool western hunter like you see on instagram. I $*)Q!#@$ dare you.PM me their addresses. I would like to personally escort them out of the state and strongly encourage them to enjoy their fantasy on youtube, rather than try and make it a reality by moving here. I've got to hand it to them though, it takes some decent sized balls to move to a place where 90 percent of the people don't want you there.