PEAX Equipment

Promo code Randy

Leki Trekking poles, and heavy socks. I’d really looked hard at the Peax, concern over the Carbon fiber led me to the Leki aluminum/cork types.

I’m pretty good sized, and recently had a hip replaced. I’ve used a walking stick for a few years liking the help for balance and as the hip got weaker. I decided an upgrade was in order.
Wouldn’t go without some sort of walking stick or trekking pole? My dad’s had both hips replaced and always adamant that he can walk real well… until we get there and start walking!
Maybe I should get him some trekking poles and see if that helps him! Thanks for the response!

I hate to pry, but what’d you end up spending on the poles and socks with code Randy? Sounds like you were pleased with your purchase so that means it was a good “salesman”! You didn’t leave feeling ripped off! Lol!
Wouldn’t go without some sort of walking stick or trekking pole? My dad’s had both hips replaced and always adamant that he can walk real well… until we get there and start walking!
Maybe I should get him some trekking poles and see if that helps him! Thanks for the response!

I hate to pry, but what’d you end up spending on the poles and socks with code Randy? Sounds like you were pleased with your purchase so that means it was a good “salesman”! You didn’t leave feeling ripped off! Lol!
The discount is 10% ($18)shipping free but I’d guess that’s worth $14. Leki Khumbo lite sticks and Darn tough socks.

You can get by for considerably less on the sticks, he’ll Costco sells what are reputedly great ones for about $40. If completely new to the idea I’m guessing he won’t be cranking on them. I used that single stick as a balance thing help jumping across water cuts, going down hill on softball sized rocks under leaves, places where a small tree would have been a real help.

The consensus seems to be once you use them you’ll be hooked. I’ve got a gun carrier as part of my pack. I think for 2 sticks it would be the only way.

Buy a pair and each of you take one, to start. Argali I believe has a way to use them as shooting sticks.
I’ve seen @FREAK has some new design to turn trekking poles into shooting sticks also, but he hasn’t been very friendly with opposing opinions and I think that’ll directly reflect his marketability… 😉

I’ll look into it, for sure! Thank you!!
I’ve seen @FREAK has some new design to turn trekking poles into shooting sticks also, but he hasn’t been very friendly with opposing opinions and I think that’ll directly reflect his marketability… 😉

I’ll look into it, for sure! Thank you!!
I always enjoy your posts, awesome seeing you get your kids out in the mountains. Apologies if my humor comes across harsh at times, I’m working on that.
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