Projected WY point creep.

Man creep will be pretty substantial I’m guessing, across the board. If the other states are any indicator, sucks.
The unit I applied for had no reductions and I have >1 point more than it took last year. I am hopeful but have a couple of alternate plans ready. Seriously considering Colorado OTC elk if I don't draw my Wyoming tag, but may opt for Missouri whitetail.

I hope I don't have to go to a plan B....
Is this a reference to the idea that birth year matters more than any given year? I wanted to bring that up but couldn't remember who shared that info and where.
Yes. In the Grimmett's estimation, the conditions of the birth year have a larger impact on horn growth than those of the year they are harvested.
Craziest point leap to date. Looming price increases, NR quota reductions, tag cuts, and many will be looking to dump points. Plus you have more applicants every year irrespective of all that. I’m in for doe tags with a friend hoping to get lucky.
With all the issues listed on here, I made the decision to put in for antelope this year. Drew a general elk, so I’ll already be out there. Unit I’m hoping for was 100% with <2 last year, I’ve got 3. We’ll see what happens in a couple weeks.
Don’t normally try to hunt multiple animals at the same time. Doesn’t seem to work out unless it elk and bear. Have 4 days of down time to hunt antelope between elk archery and firearms.
Craziest point leap to date. Looming price increases, NR quota reductions, tag cuts, and many will be looking to dump points. Plus you have more applicants every year irrespective of all that. I’m in for doe tags with a friend hoping to get lucky.
It's a bummer for my youngest son. I've told both my boys that I'd take them for pronghorn the first year they are eligible. Up until this year I had the plan all worked out. Had a great trip with my oldest a couple years ago and was set on taking the youngest next year. The unit I hunt does not appear to be a lock anymore with the points I have. Looks like Super K might be entering the Special draw if I can convince his mother...
It's a bummer for my youngest son. I've told both my boys that I'd take them for pronghorn the first year they are eligible. Up until this year I had the plan all worked out. Had a great trip with my oldest a couple years ago and was set on taking the youngest next year. The unit I hunt does not appear to be a lock anymore with the points I have. Looks like Super K might be entering the Special draw if I can convince his mother...
Deadline is past?
I lost out on 2nd season deer in CO with an almost 2 point cushion and a 20 tag increase. My backup plan is central WY antelope with 7 points in the special draw. That is a 2.5 point cushion and my confidence isn't too high at all.
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If you take CO as an example, which was wildly and incorrectly hyped this is likely what you will see.

For 0pt - 2 pt units/ tags, odds will get a little worse or stay stagnant, it will depend on the unit and it's issues.

For the 3-6pt units there will be a steady increase, as the same pool of people put it for the same tag, same 1pt increase has been happening for years.

High end units will be erratic, there aren't a lot of tags so the strategies of just a few individuals can have a massive effect. Some units will have huge point creep as people burn points to get out of the game, some units might have massive point reduction, as a bunch of folks get tired of applying without drawing and bail. Hard to say or predict with any accuracy.
Do you folks think WY point creep for antelope will be as crazy as every other state and species this year?

Applied for my first ever tag with 2 more points than has historically been needed. Not a trophy unit...just looking to bring my kid and hang out in some cool looking country...and of course try something new. No way antelope hunting will be addicting right?
It started over twenty years ago with my brother in law and me near Kemmerer. On a lark, we decided to grab a couple of leftover Antelope tags. Since then we've hauled along six kids (my four and two of his), several friends and hunted six different units. We've taken about thirty bucks and does, seen some amazing country, made lots of friends, enjoyed some of the best meat around and the $$ (I forget how much I told my wife) have been money well spent. Point creep has certainly cramped our style a bit the past ten years, but some our favorite memories are centered around goat hunting in Wyoming.

But don't worry - it's not addicting, it's not addicting, it's not addicting.
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Well that point creep was sketchy for sure! Looking forward to chasing antelope for the first time.
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