Project gun build question


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2022
Heys guy so I bought a remington 700 270 win and had the barrel cut to 18 inches and threaded. Replaced the factory stock and trigger with a HS precision stock and timey trigger set at 2lbs. I reload for this rifle and the accuracy is excellent out to 300 yards. So my next step is to get a suppressor I'm thinking either the omega or harvester both made by silencerco. As I don't have alot od experience with suppressor which would be the quitest or should I maybe look at another one that would be better??
I would be more worried about overall size and weight than suppression. It’s never going to be whisper quiet but the size and weight will make a difference. I prefer direct thread for my hunting rifles for more consistent accuracy.
Check these guys out. They’re local to me. I bought the enticer S-TI because of mentioned weight and size. Waiting on my stamp. I did get to shoot with one before hand and was impressed. Quality suppressors at hard to beat prices.
I have YHM and Silencerco offerings. My hunting rifles get either the Omega or the Harvester Evo. If you are not planning on swapping to a semi-auto rifle, the Harvester Evo would get the nod from me. 11.4 ounces, direct thread with both 1/2x28 and 5/8x24 end caps in the box.
Got my rifle dropped off at gun Smith to have barrel cut/threaded at 18 inches. Been researching suppressors and I'm thinking seriously about the Griffin sportsman 338 or 300
I would be more worried about overall size and weight than suppression. It’s never going to be whisper quiet but the size and weight will make a difference. I prefer direct thread for my hunting rifles for more consistent accuracy.

I ended up getting the griffin sportsman ultra light 338. I wasn't to worried about size and weight because I won't be carrying the rifle for any kind of long it's just hurry up and wait.