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Pressure Canner brand


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2009
In the Sagebrush of SW Montana
Is it worth spending a couple hundred bucks on the All American pressure canner or will a cheaper option work well? This will likely be used on limited basis as a pressure canner for meat and more often for water bath canning.

Is this a buy once, cry once item?
We use the All American pressure canner and we really think it's worth the extra $. Bomb proof and simple to use. Don't use the All American on a glass top stove as it's too heavy.
We use ours a few times per year for meat preservation and water-bath canning. Although she prefers to use the standard speckleware canner for water bath stuff as it's easier and faster.
Do it.
Anyone know of a single burner you can use if you have a glass top?
I ponied up for the all american. Seems like overkill compared to my friends. If you're water bathing just get a big aluminum pot for like $10
I've been using a Presto 23 Qt for the last ten or so year. It's been working really well. Never had a different brand so I can't comment on the others.
I've got an old presto(30+ yo) and a newer one I got a few years back that are both dependable.
I have the small 910 All American. My only complaint is I wish it was bigger. Makes for quite a few batches when you are canning 20 plus pounds of meat. I went with the small one though so I could use it on our glass top.
I would typically say buy the best, but in this case my Presto has been working with all original parts for over 15 years. Canned a lot of meat and veggies with it. Can't go wrong of course with the American either.
Got a presto 23 qt and it has done fine. Only had it for a year, but I don’t see any reason why I would need to upgrade to a higher end brand
I bought an All-American. Wife's aunt sold it to use for what she paid for it a long time ago (she still had the reciept); $60. Worked for me! :D
We have either the 921 or 925 (7 quarts) and have run it through hundreds of quarters of broth over the last 5 years. Works great over a camp chef or inside if you have a substantial burner. We only use it for pressure canning though, for waterbath we have Amish Canners, which are the All-American equivalent for water baths. The speckled, standard waterbaths work just as well, we just need the volume so we can bath 18 quarts at a time.
Thanks guys. I used the WikiBuy extension in chrome and it found a deal on the All American for $225 shipped which seems to be about $50 less than most sources. The Presto system looked to be a solid option but for $125 more I figured longevity wins the battle.
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