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Prescription glasses for Hunters

WH's OutdoorsChick

New member
Nov 14, 2003
Rochester, Washington
WH just ordered a pair of glasses because he has to start wearing them again. He was wondering if any of Y’all can recommend some good glasses for hunting. Glasses that will give him the visibility he will need when he is shooting without a scope…Hope that makes since! Thanks in Advance Y’all!!
Get Crizal treatment on the lenses, it is an anti glare and anti scratch. I get it on all my glasses. With 2 little kids and a Lab I need it
Scotty hit it right. I just got mine last week. I work outside and needed non-reflective glare reduction. H U G E difference!! Simply hold them up to any light to see the quality.

Whatever you do, don't skimp on the quality of lenses put in your frames. My wife works for an eye doctor and let me tell you there is a big difference in lenses now-a-days. I agree with the others, get anti-reflective and scratch resistant coatings. It does make a big difference. I know that some insurances only provide mediocre quality frames as well. Get a frame that has a good warranty in case something goes bad. Much like optics in binoculars and scopes, you get what you pay for.

If he likes the looks of birth control glasses, by all mean get those but.........!!!!!!!!!!!
WH, if they try to sell you the scratch insurance realize it is just that. It will not cover loss or breaking a lens; however, your home owner's insurance just might. You might want to consider asking the doctor whether a composite lens might be to your advantage since you are a hunter and deal with varying distances. Also remember there are some scopes that you can just never seem to get right wearing glasses. If your family has a history of diabetes, tell the eye doctor!!
My biggest problem with glasses has always been them fogging up, either after an exerting climb or most annoyingly after putting up a tree stand.

Glasses are also they are a pain when its raining.

I try to wear contacts whenever possible when hunting.

A friend of mine just had the laser corrective surgery and he is happy with the results. I may go down that road in the future.
I wear mild prescription glasses, but I take them off for shooting. I find I shoot better without them, even if the target is a little fuzzy. Also, buy them from a very reputable source, some of thoses discount "glasses in an hour" places cut corners. If they don't have the exact right lens in stock, they'll sub with something "close enough".
I use an "anti-fog" wax that works really well. It also eliminates raindrops causing them to sheet away quickly.
Thanks for all the input. Here's the story...I used to wear glasses (and contacts) until 1996 when I had laser surgery. After that I had 20/20 vision, or at least real close to it. Now, for some reason, my right eye has gotten worse, not real bad but fuzzy enough that I want to have glasses at least for driving at night and for hunting. Who knows I may end up enjoying the clearer vision enough that I may wear them most of the time. I know all about the problems of glasses fogging up while hunting, and the problem of hunting in the rain with glasses, but the nice thing is I can see good enough that I don't have to wear them all the time. I am thinking that they will help especially when I am hunting birds. It can't be a good thing to have my dominant right eye not seeing as well as my left eye, as I do shoot a shotgun with both eyes open. What I am wondering is if there are any glasses made specifically for shooting a shotgun. I would think skeet, trap, and/or sporting clay shooters might have some type of glasses they use. I've worn contacts in the past and that is not an option as my eyes just don't like them. I did order a pair of glasses Wednesday so I should have them next week sometime. I believe they are Zeiss lenses and I did get the anti-reflective and scratch resistant coating. I'm just not sure how well they will work for shooting because the lenses are so small. I guess I will just need to go out and shoot some clay pigeons and see how they do.
WH,,,,All I did was just ask my eye dr. and he had me bring in one of my stocks so they could measure my eyes to get the cut right...I have a pair of glasses that I wear all the time, and a pair for shooting, and hunting....

Lately I've had good luck with the "Flexon" type frames made from a titanium/nickle alloy. They are fairly lightweight and durable, though quite pricy. I think the Wal-Mart Optical probably has the best prices. I also use the Corning "Thin and Dark" photo-sensitive lenses with scratch and break resistance. Pair I have now also had a custom pair of clip on sunglasses with blu-blocker lenses. Think I gave about $450 for them, but they've lasted about 3 or 4 years.

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