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Preparing for a college education.


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
The other thread is interesting in the fact that Codie and I had some discussion in what courses he takes for his junior year of high school.
The suggestions I gave were the correct ones in my thoughts. I told him to take Spanish 2 instead of switching to French 1(easier course). To Take Creative Writing over Myths and Folktales(easier course). Conflicts in Literature over Outdoor tales and survival (easier course).
He also took Chemistry over Wildlife Biology(easier course)

The easier courses would pretty much assure him of a 4.0 grade average which certain colleges want to see but the other course would prepare him better for the college learning in my thoughts. Besides that I told him it is pretty easy to learn about the easy courses on his own.

Did I do right in your opinion?

Both answers can be right. Having a 4.0 pretty much assures admittance to most "collages". Only the very top schools want to see more than that, and those want to see how he did in harder classes (AP, Honors, and similar), plus they want to see how he did in leadership, volunteer stuff, activities, etc.... etc....

Either answer will work. the best would be for 4.0 in the harder classes...

guner/sybil and I are in full agreement

By taking the harder classes, it also prepares him for the tough classes in collage

I think the toughest I took was Statistics, which seems to be algebra in a third dimensional sort of way

These easier classes while giving Cody a better GPA potentially will make it harder for him to take on the harder assignments

Besides, if he has to much difficulty (which I have faith he won’t), he can always jump down to the ones he knows he can ace

You did very well Fred... :)
He put in for his classes and went with the school counselor(sp) recommendations for English courses which was different from what we discussed.

He and Mom are going to a local community college(30 miles away is local) to see about a summer course to attend. He had thoughts about taking the post-secondary courses that also gave high school credit next year but felt he was not ready for that until his senior year.
Elkchsr....oh how I hated Stats....Stats and Economics.....brutal is all I gotta say....
What about ACT/SAT scores? Most colleges want to see good scores which ever of those tests it recognizes. How prepared is he for the tests?

I think you did good Nut! The writing will definitely be a plus in just about any college class and life in general. Chemistry will help him get through the first semester in college if he gets into a major that requires it. As far as Spanish/French... I don't see how either one would hurt/help all that much. Just 'fluf'...

Third deminsonal algebra... LOL
My oldest has been taking all the advanced course offered. She is only a Freshman and the college reps have already talked to her about what schools want to see. Not only good grades and challenging course work but now they also want to see citizenship: Volunteer hours, belonging to community service clubs, etc.

So keep him in the more difficult classes and monitor his grades, also encourage him to get involved in something that is geared toward community service and volunteering.

Hey Nemont. Is it a graduation requirement in MT to have 'community hours' of some sort. I seem to remember hearing that it was now a requirement at my old HS. Something like 10hrs a year or so?
There is no State Requirement but many local boards require some community service hour requirement. In addition most Universities are wanting to see community service hours as part of the overall application process. Since my daughter wishes to enter the Pharmacy Program at UM (a sad sad day for this Bobcat father) she is taking advanced everything and also involved in groups like KEY club and a Church Youth Group.

10.55.905 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS (1) As a minimum, a school district’s requirements for graduation
shall include a total of 20 units of study that enable all students to meet the content and performance standards.
(2) In order to meet the content and performance standards, the following 13 units shall be part of the 20 units
required for all students to graduate:
(a) 4 units of English language arts;
(b) 2 units of mathematics;
(c) 2 units of social studies;
(d) 2 units of science;
(e) 1 unit of health enhancement, with 1/2 unit each year for two years;
(f) 1 unit of arts;
(g) 1 unit of vocational/technical education.
(3) Units of credit earned in any Montana high school accredited by the board of public education shall be
accepted by all Montana high schools.
(4) In accordance with the policies of the local board of trustees, students may be graduated from high school
with less than four years enrollment.

If a high school has requirements additional to those of the state, the child can't graduate through the state Board of Public Education; the Board does not grant diplomas. The Board of Public Education sets the minimum requirements for graduation. School Districts grant diplomas. The Board of Public Education requirements are MINIMUM requirements for graduation. The school's board of trustees can require more than the minimum requirements. The local school board of trustees set the requirements for graduation. These are not recommendations, they are requirements.

The high school students must meet the district's requirements for graduation
Nut, the summer courses are a good idea. My daughter had about 9 hours credit when she began her freshman year at college. Verify credit reciprocity/transferability from the community college with other colleges he may be considering. It's getting more & more difficult to matriculate in 4 years without summer sessions & scholastic placement hours. We've seen a steady tuition increase each semester also...
Preparing for College, Hmmm, Try starting with a 6 pack each day and work yourself up to a 12er in a couple months. This should prepare anyone for college in Wisconsin at least.
Preparing for College, Hmmm, Try starting with a 6 pack each day and work yourself up to a 12er in a couple months. This should prepare anyone for college in Wisconsin at least.

LMAO:D throw in some zigzags and a water pipe... same as ASU party school...we were #1 for a while....get past the freshman year and get the "trim factor" out of the way.hump
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