Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Predator Callers & Hound Men Expo

People, Danny is not telling you the "Rest of The Story." I gave him the big jar of jelly beans, and he was all excited about getting a 1,000 jelly beans, until I told him and the crowd, that it was really "Glow In The Dark Viaga."

Just wait until next year, Danny. :D
I am posting this on several boards. Please read and respond. This is a great opportunity for everyone.

Do you guys really comprehend what this Expo is really all about? It is history in the making.

We'd all like the opportunity to attend the Super Bowl and shake hands with the NBA Dream Team, well... This Expo is that big as far as predator callers should be concerned. That's what this board is about isn't it? We all love hunting predators and are always trying to get better. Take a look at the following greats that are going to attend. I hope you can fathom the opportunity offered here.

“Predator Callers & Hound Men Expo”
Saturday, March 6th, 2004
Silver City, New Mexico

This will be a one day gathering of Predator Callers and Hound Men, for the 1st annual Expo in Silver City, New Mexico.

Some of the people who will be attending are, Doug Kittredge, Jim Dougherty, Murry Burnham, Gerry Blair, Bowen Weems, Major Boddicker.

There will be a floor of vendors in one room and all day seminars in the second room. A fabulous Mexican Buffet for dinner, the Hall of Fame awards along with raffle prizes the rest of the evening.

Be a part of history and attend the first annual “Predator Callers & Hound Men Expo.” You will have a great time and make new friends.

For detailed information, visit the following link:

Jim Dougherty- World Calling Champion, sixteen calling titles, author of Varmint Hunter’s Digest, archer by profession, has hunted on three continents, inducted into the Bowhunters Hall Of Fame. Caller

Murry Burnham - considered one of the true pioneers in the predator calling industry, expert caller and teacher, innovative product line, expert at night hunting and highly sought subject of any writer, hunter or photographer interested in predators and learning about their behavior.

Gerry Blair - has authored 14 books, long time writer for Trapper Magazine and Trapper Predator Magazine whose writing style is homey and second to none, world record holder for muzzle loader elk, photographer and videographer.

Bowen Weemsof the famed Weems Wild Call predator call has connections in the predator calling world deep rooted in Texas with the very first predator calling club and what many people consider the finest predator call ever made, ties to Bud Lindsey of the Pied Piper predator call.

Major BoddickerWorld travellor, author, CEO of Rocky Mountain Wildlife Products maker of the Crit'R•Call since 1976. Major is an author and also the subject of countless articles on predator calling and hunting, videographer, Bachelor’s degree in Biology from St. Johns University, Collegeville, Minnesota, Master’s degree in Zoology from South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota and finally a Ph.D. in Entomology, also from Brookings.

Doug KittredgeWorld Champion caller and considered one of the toughest to beat in any contest competition.

If you want to meet others like Rich and Tyler Higgins, Byron South, Danny Batastini, Tim Behle and others.... they will be there to say howdy too.

Any of you vendors like All Predator Calls, Loudmouth, Fox Pro, HS, Cronk and others should make it a point to reserve a table and rub elbows with your client base. It will be the cheapest Expo you will ever wish you attended.

If you're a writer, this would be the best opportunity you will ever have to interview and write stories of the people and event.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-10-2004 20:50: Message edited by: Jay Nistetter ]</font>
Hello Jay it's me. I sent you a Mountain Lion wood carving some yrs back.