Powder temp “stability” chart???

You look at the numbers and hodgons not fibbing or misleading about it being temperate insensitive. H4350 and you could shoot at -20 and at 100 degrees and only see less than a 20fps change. That's better than I thought it was. 4831sc is less than 10 fps for that same crazy temp spread. But reloader 25 would be a 190 fps difference
This is what I’m talking about. Some of the older powders that aren’t included in the newer line ups being advertised as temp stable are actually pretty good and some are terrible.
4064 is one I like and is pretty well recommended in lots of load data yet it looks like it’s not temp stable. The chart shows BLC-2 as being stable and that’s not at all what I believed and have read???
Win 760 and 296 are a couple of my favorites for 44 and 30-06 and have been really good to me. Not temp friendly and I know for a fact I’ve shot both in single digits up into the 90’s and never had issues despite being hotter loads.
I’m really digging learning about this but kinda curious if it amounts to much in my applications.
Great information though
You know, your informal range & shooting days are chock full of information IF you pay attention & take some simple but detailed notes.

Simple things such as temperature, humidity, rain, sleet snow, sunny.
Also your load data with powder, charge, primer, bullet.

Simple note taking can develop a pretty good dope card.
You know, your informal range & shooting days are chock full of information IF you pay attention & take some simple but detailed notes.

Simple things such as temperature, humidity, rain, sleet snow, sunny.
Also your load data with powder, charge, primer, bullet.

Simple note taking can develop a pretty good dope card.
Absolutely right!
I’ve been too lazy. I’m definitely going to start taking notes. There’s a couple of loads that I’m really interested in developing further.
No offense, but if you're loading and shooting in Alabama where it is always 80 percent humidity and rarely below 30 degrees, you probably wouldn't see it much. I never had much speed variability when I was loading down there but I also knew I couldn't really step on the gas without hitting pressure quickly if I was doing load development in July.

Work up a load at zero degrees and shoot it at 95, you might find yourself with a problem.
I don’t have any reason to shoot in July. I’ve had no issues with my handloads from the 70s to the teens.

How much was your accuracy and velocity off with these loads that you’re referring to?
I don’t have any reason to shoot in July. I’ve had no issues with my handloads from the 70s to the teens.

How much was your accuracy and velocity off with these loads that you’re referring to?
I hit some spooky pressure early, below max book loads, with CFE223 and Win748. That was before I was chrono-ing, so hard to tell what the velocities were.

Point is you’re less likely to encounter it in Alabama with a 50 degree swing than some people where summers are 90+ and late season can be in the single digits.
I hit some spooky pressure early, below max book loads, with CFE223 and Win748. That was before I was chrono-ing, so hard to tell what the velocities were.

Point is you’re less likely to encounter it in Alabama with a 50 degree swing than some people where summers are 90+ and late season can be in the single digits.
I don’t have any reason to shoot when it’s 100 degrees and 100% humidity here. However, the times I’ve done it, I didn’t see any pressure signs from my reloads like you experienced. Or when I shoot with it in the teens. Where a powder falls on a temp sensitivity chart hasn’t proven to be an issue for me with temps ranging from 100 degrees down to the teens. It sucks that it gave you issues, though.
Stick powders will be more stable than, I believe any other alternatives. I believe it has to do with the amount of nitroglycerine in the make up of the powder. The more nitroglycerine, the more temperature sensitive it will be. The trade off is stick powders do not meter as well as ball powders. Some ball powders have special coatings to help with temp sensitivity though.

I load imr4895 for 308 and I practice in some cold temps. I can't tell the difference. But I'm also not shooting off the bench trying to put five bikes into the same hole.

Do a search for a hornady podcast. I recall listening to them going down this rabbit hole not too long ago.
I thought it was listed somewhere in quickload as well? I've never had it.

Hard thing to put values to because it seems to be impacted by pressure and cartridge as well. So a mild load might not have the same temp stability as a high pressure one.
If you are looking for loading data using QuickLoad, the list of suitable powders will be *C, *T or *C*T which indicates that the powder has a copper fouling inhibitor added or is temperature stable or both.

Here is part of a printout that someone sent to me.

Alliant Reloder-26 *C 95.4 62.7 4.06 3312 100.0 62000 12532 1.198 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-25 *C 104.4 63.5 4.11 3299 100.0 62000 12229 1.181 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N560 *C 98.4 61.5 3.98 3296 98.9 62000 13165 1.185 ! Near Maximum !
Norma MRP *C 96.5 61.6 3.99 3296 100.0 62000 12727 1.192 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828 SSC 97.3 61.1 3.96 3289 99.3 62000 12766 1.173 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828 102.9 61.1 3.96 3289 99.3 62000 12766 1.173 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N570 *C 105.0 67.7 4.39 3271 95.3 56848 14184 1.229 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N565 *C 102.8 64.6 4.19 3270 99.1 62000 12991 1.206 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-22 *C 98.6 61.0 3.95 3269 99.8 62000 12614 1.191 ! Near Maximum !
Norma MRP 2 *C 105.0 64.2 4.16 3253 99.3 59168 13036 1.221 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Magnum 98.6 65.6 4.25 3248 100.0 62000 12032 1.187 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-16 *C *T 91.4 54.4 3.53 3234 100.0 62000 11277 1.180 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-17 *T 86.6 55.5 3.60 3229 100.0 62000 11252 1.191 ! Near Maximum !
but I'd be real hesitant to develop a full power load with a powder like rl25.
In the last 20 years or so I have burned a shitload of RL-25 in a .300 RUM at just over max for my bullet choice. It is a notoriously (supposedly) temp sensitive powder. No issues here. But I don't expect a powder to perform from below zero to 100 degrees either. mtmuley

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