Yeti GOBOX Collection

Powder Scales



Anyone have any suggestions for some quality powder scales that are accurate and affordable? I'm using Black Horn 209 if that matters.
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I think a RCBS 5-0-5 scale would be a good scale for you to start with. You should be able to get one for less than $50 on ebay. If you want to spend more than that, go with the RCBS 10-10. It has a few more features that I like.
Having never used BH 209, is it measured by weight or volume? Many of the of the black powder substitutes go by volume and therefore use something quite a bit different than handloaders use.
BH 209 can be measured by volume or weight. Check out the Bh 209 website for a chart.

Currently I am experimenting with weighed charges 78.1 grains of weight = 110 by volume. I find that with volume I shoot a few more grains then by weight - I do make a point of measuring by volume then weighing the charge.

Weight is giving me slightly better groupings then by volume. I do believe that for hunting purposes volume works just fine. All my groupings are sub moa at 100 yards with either volume or weight. I am just trying to get one hole or all touching at 100 yards. I shoot a TC pro hunter with an ultimate slam scope, 110 BH 209, CCI 209m primer and a 200 grain shockwave with the harvester sabot.
I have electronic scales,the Lymann electric auto dispenser and the RCBS 505. When I want to check accuracy,I always reach for the RCBS. Enough said.
Beware of the cheap plastic "test tube" powder measures with volume marks on them. I started with those and when I double checked my charges by weight, they were all over the place and usually quite a bit heavier than recommended. I weigh my charges on an old-school rcbs scale with no frills. The thing is probably 40+ years old. Works for me. Good luck!
I watched Ebay and found a new Ohaus CT200 scale that weighs to .01 gram. I think it cost me $30. It is very accurate. We use them in our lab. I just printed a conversion chart from grains to grams. I weigh every load. I charge the scale pan with the RCBS powder charge that I adjusted to within about .2 grams, and then trickle to the hundredth of a gram. It really goes pretty quick. I chrono every load and don't get much variation with most loads. Granted I don't usually load more than 20 rounds at a time. With a large number of cases it might be more of a pain.

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