POW Sitka Blacktail 2021 DIY

Dug out my old fly reel last night, cleaned it and re-lubed it. Need a new rod as the old one had a fatal collision with a truck door. Then kids happened and I just never got out again.
I've never done salmon or steeelhead with a fly. Is a four piece #7 too light?
There will be silvers and pinks in the streams during your trip. IMO a 7 wt. will be fine. If you are looking to do steelhead in your neck of the woods with the same rod then maybe bump it up to an 8 wt, but that will be too much rod for most of the fish you will encounter on POW.
As I posted in the Backpacking forum, my BHA life membership SG 6900 pack is not going to be paid off and shipped to me before I leave for POW.
I did the math on paying that off now and getting the pack, or buying another anyway. It was about a wash, but for any gear junkie, the answer was obvious.

I pulled the trigger on an Eberlestock Vapor 7500 and F1 frame. With some MOLLE toys for this pack and my older M5 pack, it came to about $700. $670
I've always liked Eberlestock's rifle and bow carry setup.

Planning a Cascades trout fishing trip with two of my sons to test this rig. We are looking for dates after the trails thaw.
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Climbing thru the POW jungle is hard with a rifle sticking up in most pack type carry systems. I used my rifle as a walking stick a lot.

I like the late August hunt. Some bucks can still be in velvet. The deer have begun leaving the open alpine and have moved into that upper lush green forest zone. So if your camp is up on top your might have to hunt the lower elevation areas just off the top. Bugs are on the decline at that time but seems like with the first drop of blood they show up with a vengeance ... don't forget the Deet.
Hunted POW the 3rd week of August last year. Stayed in Craig and used the road system. Saw few deer - 3 total, in fact - all does. Hiked high to multiple locations and couldn't find deer. Other hunters we ran into had the same luck.

One piece of gear that I'd recommend is a pair of micro spikes for your boots. I've used Katoolahs alpine climbing before, but never the micro spikes and they would have helped greatly.

Can't tell you how many times me and my hunting partner had our heels slip out from underneath us on the grass/vegetation heading downhill ... but plenty. My hunting partner actually fell so hard on his rifle he broke the stock.

It was wet and soggy. I alternated between wearing my gore boots and gaiters and knee-high muck boots - even for hiking. Pretty much impossible to stay dry in the boots/gaiter combo.

We found plenty of pinks, but no silvers, in the rivers and bays. We'd head out and hike/headlamp up for deer in the early AM, back in the afternoon to fish until dinner, then ate salmon every night. Didn't see any silvers and you could use a 5 weight for pinks.

Rented a truck from Hollis Adventure Rentals and stayed in cabins recommended by them in Craig. Overall awesome, flexible set up - if only there had been deer. We took a float plane from Ketch to Hollis, then caught the ferry back to Ketch on our return trip.
Hunted POW the 3rd week of August last year. Stayed in Craig and used the road system. Saw few deer - 3 total, in fact - all does. Hiked high to multiple locations and couldn't find deer. Other hunters we ran into had the same luck.

One piece of gear that I'd recommend is a pair of micro spikes for your boots. I've used Katoolahs alpine climbing before, but never the micro spikes and they would have helped greatly.

Can't tell you how many times me and my hunting partner had our heels slip out from underneath us on the grass/vegetation heading downhill ... but plenty. My hunting partner actually fell so hard on his rifle he broke the stock.

It was wet and soggy. I alternated between wearing my gore boots and gaiters and knee-high muck boots - even for hiking. Pretty much impossible to stay dry in the boots/gaiter combo.

Yep. I wear Chota breathable wading socks and wading boots with microspikes. My boots are Cabela's bonesneakers, but any good quality boot that is as similar to a light weight hiking boot as possible will work. If it is raining I'm wearing those German Military surplus 3-layer Goretex Flecktarn bibs and a similar jacket.
Did this hunt in early September several years back, those of us who harvested did so up high, no bucks beyond a spike were seen low. It’s an amazing place, enjoy!
Yep. I wear Chota breathable wading socks and wading boots with microspikes. My boots are Cabela's bonesneakers, but any good quality boot that is as similar to a light weight hiking boot as possible will work. If it is raining I'm wearing those German Military surplus 3-layer Goretex Flecktarn bibs and a similar jacket.
I read in the fishing regs that felt bottom waders/wading boots are illegal?
I read in the fishing regs that felt bottom waders/wading boots are illegal?
Mine are rubber lug sole with the spikes added. Redington and Chota make micro spikes that work well. Also, last summer was wet and cold, and the deer weren't up in the Alpine. There was plenty of food in the transition zone between the timber and the alpine, and it was warmer there.
If you think you might head north drop me a pm. We are in Whale Pass, and local calls from the phone at the dock are free, so we could arrange for a visit pretty easily. There is no cell service once you head north on 43 at the Control Lake junction.
We have time up north scheduled in week 2.
An update to keep this thread from dying a slow death.

Ordered another 100 .284 131gr Hammer Hunters for 7mmRM work-ups today. Still flipping a coin between H414/W760 and RL-16. There are other choices, but that's what in the powder cabinet, so those are my choices.
An update to keep this thread from dying a slow death.

Ordered another 100 .284 131gr Hammer Hunters for 7mmRM work-ups today. Still flipping a coin between H414/W760 and RL-16. There are other choices, but that's what in the powder cabinet, so those are my choices.
The weather appears to be changing from hot and dry to wet. What that does for deer distribution will be determined when our subsistence hunt opens on Saturday. I'd guess there will be more deer up in the alpine than last year. That will depend on how badly the forage up in the alpine got sun scalded.
Bristol Bay was sold out! I ordered the Silver Salmon kit and Trout and Char bead kit from Alaska Fly Fishing Goods last night.
I'll be up there this year. Flying in Aug 17th via float plane from Ketchikan. I'm looking forward to it a lot. We'll be up high in the alpine the whole time.
Last pack. Stripped out a lot of things I doubt I will use.
Pre-loading offline maps into my iPhone on the home internet, etc.
Check Rifle case again. Rifle, Ammo, scope covers, sling, ammo, binos, bore-snake. All still in there.
Wondering what I forgot.
I can't find my fancy Pyro-Putty lighter I got from goHunt. Oh well.

Suddenly I'm out of time if anything is wrong.
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