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Posting Unit #'s to Public Forum

  • Thread starter Deleted member 52847
  • Start date

Is posting Unit or Area #s in Public Forum overall helpful to the hunting experience we all cherish?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 11.9%
  • No

    Votes: 127 71.8%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 16 9.0%
  • It doesn't matter because I'm not hunting that unit anyway

    Votes: 13 7.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have no problem saying, "Hey, I am excited! I drew unit XX". That does not give away any info and everyone knows someone is going to hunt it. However, I would shy away from posting specific info about a unit publicly. And that includes a hunt recap story. We all love those, so if you plan on doing that, maybe shouldn't post a unit number in the spring. Although I honestly don't think there are many people who go back and try and figure out where someone shot an elk and then apply there next year. Maybe it has happened, but that isn't causing a crowd.
exactly, you see this all the time that guys get all jacked up this time of year saying "Hey, I am excited! I drew unit XX" and then come fall they are posting grip in grins all over the place.
I think now we are more cognizant of the impact posting unit number has since we all have gotten better at the ol' Google Fu.

I've developed a relationship with enough folks , and gotten to know what areas of states I want to pursue opportunities in. that I will exchange info with people, but it takes a while to have value with some experience.
It used to bother me, but anymore, there's so much info out there on every hunting unit in every State, who cares? I don't even pay attention to it anymore.

How many magazines, gohunt, huntinfool, epic, state G&F webpages, all share the exact same information? If you want to apply for the perceived units, just look at the draw odds.

There's a ton of people putting in for every tag in every State. If you're looking for a secret spot with huge bucks, great draw odds, that nobody else knows about, you're dreaming.

The people hawking information about specific units on-line are the same ones that show up, hunt a couple days, find out there isn't a B&C animal behind every tree and either shoot a subpar animal or pack it up and head home.

Guys that find success on great animals are the ones that put the time in with whatever tag they may have. They likely don't ask about specific units and instead of relying on internet "scouting", they actually get out and scout. They also put in the time hunting, know what they're doing and taking it seriously.

Said it many times, give a clown that casually hunts the best tag in the State, they'll find a way to blow it. Give a good hunter the worst tag in a state, they'll find a great animal and be successful. Just the way it works.
Alright...I've gotta know if I'm the only one who thinks posting unit #'s, giving unit specific information and suggestions on the public forums is a bad idea/borderline unethical.

I feel like in today's day and age, we've got more tools at our disposal to learn about units or areas, we've got satellite images, can break terrain down into 3D, etc. It's easier than ever before to scout.

Then you've got the good ol fashioned boots on the ground research and scouting.

I'm all for helping folks out, especially when they have put time and effort in, and when its through a PM. However, I really dislike the specific info in unit #s.
You already know I was a big fat NO.
i think posting unit numbers for more rare tags is OK. posting for easier to get tags not such a good thing to do.

Been guilty of both most likely. Especially for out of state tags I wont draw again.

the sharper guys will see where a guy posts a unit number and that they know it and will DM said user versus piling on to an old thread saying “ just drew too”

I am thankful guys post unit number for more primo tags as it leaves a bread crumb trail to follow as but one avenue to get some insights that may or may not be useful.

what is very cool is the number of great long time friends added to my life that met me or vice versa via exactly what OP dislikes. absolutely priceless and more valuable than any hunt insights given or received.

So NOT SORRY about reaching out to strangers or having strangers reach out to me for cool hunts drawn.
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The people hawking information about specific units on-line are the same ones that show up, hunt a couple days, find out there isn't a B&C animal behind every tree and either shoot a subpar animal or pack it up and head home.

Guys that find success on great animals are the ones that put the time in with whatever tag they may have. They likely don't ask about specific units and instead of relying on internet "scouting", they actually get out and scout. They also put in the time hunting, know what they're doing and taking it seriously.

Said it many times, give a clown that casually hunts the best tag in the State, they'll find a way to blow it. Give a good hunter the worst tag in a state, they'll find a great animal and be successful. Just the way it works.
Everything said above is 1 million percent accurate. The one thing you didn't mention is that these clowns are the ones that are now buying points everywhere and making point creep worse in units that are blasted, they are ones who are now applying in every state making it harder for the (as you said) "good hunters" get tags. To me it's not about these "clowns" shooting all the animals because we all know that's not going to happen unless they get lucky it's the fact that they see these units online and then start applying making it harder for other people to draw said units.
Posting unit numbers for attainable units is idiotic. There are units that nobody wanted until people started mentioning it on this forum. Descent tags that could be had as a 2nd choice or leftover are now gone in the first round. Most people need to become better poker players and talk like alaska harvest ticket sheep hunters: all misdirection, smoke and mirrors.
Posting unit numbers for attainable units is idiotic. There are units that nobody wanted until people started mentioning it on this forum. Descent tags that could be had as a 2nd choice or leftover are now gone in the first round. Most people need to become better poker players and talk like alaska harvest ticket sheep hunters: all misdirection, smoke and mirrors.
Reading hunting forums to come up with and scout a unit is idiotic. Just about every state publishes all the stats needed. Some will probably never get it. Half of what I post is pure bull chit so how do you know if you’re being punked or not on a forum. The real gems and sage advice most people blow right by. I have actually had people get mad at me when I gave them excellent info on a unit I have done well in over the years. They still think I’m holding out and that there is some secret spot that unlocks all success.
We had nicknames for everything years ago, so the hunters in camp never new what we were talking about. In today's world with the internet, nothing is a secret anymore and way tougher to get away from the masses from what I've been told. I have not hunted elk since '03 and not by choice, but not much I can do about it! I still enjoy the heck out of everyone's tales!
How did it work out for southeast Montana, Arizona OTC archery, Idaho OTC. You would have to be very irresponsible and not care about a healthy game population to do it in areas with readily available tags. That being said once in a lifetime probably don’t matter as much except for blowing up draw odds. It’s not hard for the influencers to #newberg an area.
Everything said above is 1 million percent accurate. The one thing you didn't mention is that these clowns are the ones that are now buying points everywhere and making point creep worse in units that are blasted, they are ones who are now applying in every state making it harder for the (as you said) "good hunters" get tags. To me it's not about these "clowns" shooting all the animals because we all know that's not going to happen unless they get lucky it's the fact that they see these units online and then start applying making it harder for other people to draw said units.
They'll draw once, find out its not a piece of cake, and that will be it.

Let them buy points, who cares? I'm in no competition with point purchasers.
As years go by, there are so many archived posts for every unit under the sun it becomes like a lot of noise. At this point, most cats are out of the bag and secrets don’t really exist. Still to this day I rarely run into people while actually hunting out west. Getting away from the car or trail and actually hunting is more important than worrying about google chatter. Oh wait, I meant to say the hunting is best if you stay closest to the car or trail. At least it is in Colorado Wyoming Idaho New Mexico Elk Deer Antelope Pronghorn Moose Sheep Bear Unit Zone GMU Area 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, ahhh screw it.
So no one is going to tell me anything about the antelope unit if I draw it. LMAO. I thought we were friends
10 years ago I would post a unit I drew in NM, and folks would laugh. No one cared. It was not a 16 or VC.
Now I get hit by folks with 2 posts about those units. LOL
Glad no one wants to move here.
I think it’s fantastically helpful. I scour the internet until I find a unit that has no posted information, very little, or very outdated. Those are the places I apply for and hunt, and guess what, there’s almost no company because almost all the NR’s are internet scouts now and migrate towards places that are highly publicized.
This is the first-year I've applied in 15+ years and it was for antelope. I did throw in some chances for supertags and I know that was a donation to the state. I'm not holding my breath on anything but I've been reading and trying to get basic idea of the areas and what not.

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