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Possibly last year on this property. Making the most of it.

I had a nice place get sold before I could put together the finances to buy it. It's a hard thing. I still haven't found a new place. But before too long I think I'll have the finances together to buy a place. I just hope I can find something that will hold waterfowl. I really don't have a good option for waterfowl hunting right now and I miss it. Good luck this season and thanks for sharing the memories. Nice looking Boykin.
Usually not the kinda place everybody limits out but you can usually count on getting something consistently.
Limiting out seems like this awesome goal, until you and your buddy do it and realize you now have a chit load of birds to clean lol

Love the pictures, I mounted my first and only wood duck... your mount is awesome!
Limiting out seems like this awesome goal, until you and your buddy do it and realize you now have a chit load of birds to clean lol

Love the pictures, I mounted my first and only wood duck... your mount is awesome!
Thanks! It’s one of my favorite mounts. Agreed on the limiting out thing. It can become a lot of work quick.
I had a nice place get sold before I could put together the finances to buy it. It's a hard thing. I still haven't found a new place. But before too long I think I'll have the finances together to buy a place. I just hope I can find something that will hold waterfowl. I really don't have a good option for waterfowl hunting right now and I miss it. Good luck this season and thanks for sharing the memories. Nice looking Boykin.
Thanks! He was a great dog. A snake bite took him out a couple years ago. Unfortunately I wasn’t there with him at the time he died but it was determined later that’s what happened.
Back before I got the dog we used to shoot ducks and pick them up in a canoe when we were done. At that point nobody had told us we needed expensive camo to kill ducks. My brother Jeff is holding the duck and my mom actually made that fleece jacket for him. It was all about being out there and shooting ducks.74CDC1B9-730E-447B-B4B5-D70757F71DEF.jpeg
The first duck I ever shot as a result of my own calling. This hen mallard passed overhead and I hit the Primos Timber Wench ( the whole world hadn’t gone crazy over Duck Commander yet )and she circled right back in front of me and I cartwheeled her into the icy swamp water with a head shot. 0D386717-2729-4AB5-84FC-1CA82ECC73E1.jpeg
Great memories, great photos. I shouldn't have looked at this post. I have 9 more days til the opener and its killin me
Well I got the bad news this week. I thought I’d make it through the season and it would sell in the spring but I was informed Tuesday that they were closing Wednesday and I went and got my stuff out of the blind. Fortunately I scouted some public last week and found some ducks. Just hate it had to happen this soon because second split opens Saturday for about 3 weeks. Oh well I’ll hunt that public like I own it because I do #publiclandowner
sucks, looks like a sweet spot. seems to be more of a slough or a small lake? love the old duck pictures you shared. you will get it done and make new memories on public lands no doubt
I’ve had a few pheasant hunting spots change owners over the years. It sucks for sure. Probably why I’ve gravitated so much to chukars in recent years. Plenty of public land and not many folks dumb as me to compete with.
sucks, looks like a sweet spot. seems to be more of a slough or a small lake? love the old duck pictures you shared. you will get it done and make new memories on public lands no doubt
There is a creek that feeds it’s on one end and the creek makes a 90 bend down stream and given the lay of the land it causes it to flood between the feeder end and the bend and create a swamp that attracts, woodies, mallards, teal, mergansers, the occasional black duck and Canada geese.

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