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Possible wildlife issue that may turn into a marriage issue

Man, I do not see this ending well for the OP at all. Gotta learn to give and take. With emphasis on the former.

I married into a pair of cats, and I'm mildly allergic to them. So we made some compromises including a cat garden for them to hang in most of the day and keeping them out of the bedroom, but really, not a big deal. When we built a new house cat considerations were built in. Special cat doors in walls to get to litter boxes in laundry rooms and stuff like that, and a new cat garden. Worked well, though the cats are now gone and replaced by horses and ducks (way more work).

After reading several posts on page 4 I was going to ask Hunting Wife and Mtelkhuntress, if we should weigh in with a few "what we dont like's"----then Brent comes along with the above post and takes the air right out of my ballon

Very nicely said Brent--kudo's to you.

I also know that NoHarleuYet knows how to treat his wife and in return that woman keeps a very nice home for him

to echo Brent--it is all about give and take and I found that if I always tried to give more than I took, it came back to me ten fold---and not just in marriage I might add

o.k Dear Abby and I will stand down now LOL
Man, I do not see this ending well for the OP at all. Gotta learn to give and take. With emphasis on the former.

I married into a pair of cats, and I'm mildly allergic to them. So we made some compromises including a cat garden for them to hang in most of the day and keeping them out of the bedroom, but really, not a big deal. When we built a new house cat considerations were built in. Special cat doors in walls to get to litter boxes in laundry rooms and stuff like that, and a new cat garden. Worked well, though the cats are now gone and replaced by horses and ducks (way more work).
If by OP you're referring to me, then did you read my post #61? There's zero chance this doesn't end well. I've "learned" to give plenty, I've also "learned" that rolling over and pretending to be someone I'm not is as unhealthy to a marriage as cheating. I will continue to hate feral cats yet I will continue to donate money to her shelter, continue to volunteer to watch the kids so she can pursue her passion (whatever that is) and allow her to have a couple of not feral cats in the house (though none on the bed-everyone draws a line somewhere)... and I will continue to stay happily married.

you pick your battles well. I always laugh at men who think they are in charge. It is the wife always. Best the man can do is draw a line and say not further. It is usually in a small corner.
After reading several posts on page 4 I was going to ask Hunting Wife and Mtelkhuntress, if we should weigh in with a few "what we dont like's"---

Well, um, cats? I may have been known to snipe a few off the top of my bluebird boxes. And the one that climbed into the kennel, through the doggy door into the garage and chewed up my antelope skull. That little bastard didn’t get far either. Just sayin’.

OP has my undivided sympathies on this one. Now if we were talking boiling skulls in the house.....

I have a simple test. When I’m getting irritated, I ask myself if this is really worth the fight. 9 times out of 10, it’s not. I can just voice my opinion and move on. But Hunting Husband is the reasonable, pragmatic sort so skirmishes are usually kept to a minimum.
Wait a minute....I was thinking the cats were outside of the bedroom and raise hell all night in the house. You mean to tell me they sleep in the bedroom?!! Man that is going to be a tough issue if she loves the cats that much.

Maybe try that 1-10 ranking they been talking about on meateater when having a fight with a spouse. And don't say 10 because she is likely to say something higher than 10. Go old school playground rules and throw a 10 X infinity. Best of luck to you!

Yeah she keeps the door open so the cats can come in and out without scratching at the door at night. But all that does is let them do their dumb cat stuff in the bedroom all night.

I say they’d quit scratching when they figure out its not gonna get the door open.

If we decide to find a place together, I’m going to have to flat out tell her the cats can’t sleep in the room on week days and if she wants the cats in the room that bad I’ll be sleeping someplace else. We both agreed we wouldn’t get a place together until an engagement, but with my buddy selling the house I’m living in, our time table has been sped up.

Man I seriously hate cats. At least my gf is 100% on my side when it comes to outdoors cats. That’s a fundamental belief I hold even stronger than bedroom cats.
Don’t agree with releasing them. I’ve had this conversation with a raging cat lover. Conservatively, a feral cat will kill 5 small animals a day, and like domestic cats, not all are killed for food. One Territory here has an estimated 3 million feral cats, so 15 million small native critters disappearing every evening/day from these ferals - makes my blood boil.
A less lethal option. “Allegedly” a bit of Tabasco sprinkled on them while they are in your trap - they can’t not preen themselves. It will discourage them from ever coming around again.
Meanwhile, some literally pussy male cat is starring at me from across the room with his head in a cone and a fresh $400 debit card transaction for getting his ass kicked someplace outside and vet who said he'd never make it without todays procedures. Freaking freak, freak. That's nearly a ticket to AK

I'm gonna lay down the law after this one.
Next time if I notice the cat acting strange first...................................................
Haha. This has been great. Twice my wife brought in a kitten into what I always said was a cat free house. The first one ended up being mean and attacked my daughter. I almost killed it with my bare hands in the house but instead took it to someone's farm as a mouser. The second one was nice but it pissed on my pile of hunting clothes 10 feet from his litter box and crapped in our daughter's bedroom. That was the end of that. The occasional time they ended up in our beds, the purring drove me nuts. She now agrees the cat experiment is over. I get me hunting dogs and she gets her small dog and life is good.
Jesus, I knew we were living in different times but this thread is further depressing full of "men" who married women that probably dress them before they leave for work. Emotions of your wife aside, cats kill 7 billion birds a year. Show her all the facts and explain why they should be managed just like any other wild animal but probably more. We will never get rid of all of them but killing one here and there helps. Feral cats are the same exact thing as feral hogs, horses, etc. Dont belong on the landscape in such numbers. Oh, I actually like cats used to have 2. The old "barn" cat eats our mice problem is flawed though. Still always have mice and rats, but no quail or dove anymore.
Wow, this thread blew up. Checking back in late and reading backwards and loving it. I may have sage words once I reach post 20 or so....or not.

What I can say is whatever Dinkshooter says about man/woman dynamics and relationships is gonna spot on the same as he knows manscaping.
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