Possible wildlife issue that may turn into a marriage issue

davinski has a great idea,put bells on them.
Willl drive everything and everyone crazy.
You'll have everyone nearby despizing cats! 😎
I live in a rural area and keep a cat for controlling mice in the barn. Occasionally I see him out in the meadow on my neighbors property trying to catch ground squirrels, that's when the BB gun comes out. The BB's bounce off and he leaves the squirrels alone for a while. I do the same when I see him stalking birds in the yard around the house. I can't stand cats killing wildlife, not even my own.
wow this thread is a classic. OP asks for advice on going against his wife in regards to feral cats. One guy gives the advice of dumping the wife and finding a hot girlfriend. Another guy chimes in claiming to be a cat whisperer. This thread will go down in the annals of hunt talk history
What about trapping them, then taking them to a shelter where they won't release them in to the wild but instead adopts them out?

...And maybe kills the ones who don't get adopted :sneaky:
As others have said, this isn't the hill to die on. I hate feral cat's too, but the problem isn't going away without some serious indiscriminate poisoning going on. The trap/ neuter people mean well i'm sure, but your problem isn't with your wife's program. These "animal lovers" don't want the cats on the landscape any more than you or I, but their means of dealing with the problem simply differs from ours. Truly feral cat's generally cannot/will not be adopted out, they're wild animals. The true problem lies with those irresponsible enough to not have their pets fixed in the first place and either dumping them off or turning them loose. I doubt we will ever see the day that there is a trap and euthanize program so this is what we're left with.
If there is one thing you can do to help control wild/feral cats, it is to get the laws in your area on your side, making the feeding of these cats illegal. Known and "cat colonies", this practice of leaving bowls of cat food all over the place to feed these cats when times get tough, subsidize the cat population enough to give them the leverage to keep on killing even when their prey is at very low abundances. And once you have such laws, help in any way you can to enforce them - and no, I don't know how to do this. I just know it needs doing (the easy part).

This is a bigger problem in some areas that others. The Gulf Coast is one such place. Southern Arizona is another, but I am sure there are many more.

And then there is the ubiquitous and noble "barn cat" - which is yet another problem.
My gf has two indoor cats and she wants to move in together but I don’t know how to tell her I need a cat free room to sleep in cause I can’t take sleeping with her cats jumping around all night. I too despise what cats do to healthy relationships.
My gf has two indoor cats and she wants to move in together but I don’t know how to tell her I need a cat free room to sleep in cause I can’t take sleeping with her cats jumping around all night. I too despise what cats do to healthy relationships.

Get a Jack Russell/Corgi/etc something with some fire and let the little guy sleep in your bed. That SOB will definitely keep the cats out of the bedroom. My in-laws will occasionally watch Gus when we’re out of town, they have cats and have told us he makes sure it’s a cat free sleeping situation.

That or double down and get a mainecoon kitten of your own.
My gf has two indoor cats and she wants to move in together but I don’t know how to tell her I need a cat free room to sleep in cause I can’t take sleeping with her cats jumping around all night. I too despise what cats do to healthy relationships.

Screw with the cats to make their lives miserable during the day so they sleep at night. From one cat hater to another it sounds like a fun option.
Screw with the cats to make their lives miserable during the day so they sleep at night. From one cat hater to another it sounds like a fun option.

Oh believe me, I get my licks in when I can.

Like when I say they need to sleep outside the room I she says “that’s mean” and then I say “keeping someone up all night that has to go to work in the morning is also mean”

It’s gonna be an issue moving forward tho. My buddy is selling his house and moving in a month so I need to find a place to live. My gf and I have been together a year and half, and I really love her, but getting a small place together with her two cats just isn’t gonna work.

I flat out refuse to live in a house or apartment with a litter box that can’t be in a basement.
I definitely draw the line with animals in the bedroom. Not even my beloved lab sleeps in our bedroom. It's better for ALL involved. She sleeps better and so do I. It bothers me even if we have to stay in a hotel together on trips, but we make do.

Unfortunately it sounds like you're walking into a sleeping situation that is already established.
I’m allergic to cats too and have the allergy test paper work to prove it.
Although i think I’ve largely grown out of that allergy, I just don’t like cats.
A girl with cats or a smoker was always a big NO.
Oh believe me, I get my licks in when I can.

Like when I say they need to sleep outside the room I she says “that’s mean” and then I say “keeping someone up all night that has to go to work in the morning is also mean”

It’s gonna be an issue moving forward tho. My buddy is selling his house and moving in a month so I need to find a place to live. My gf and I have been together a year and half, and I really love her, but getting a small place together with her two cats just isn’t gonna work.

I flat out refuse to live in a house or apartment with a litter box that can’t be in a basement.

Wait a minute....I was thinking the cats were outside of the bedroom and raise hell all night in the house. You mean to tell me they sleep in the bedroom?!! Man that is going to be a tough issue if she loves the cats that much.

Maybe try that 1-10 ranking they been talking about on meateater when having a fight with a spouse. And don't say 10 because she is likely to say something higher than 10. Go old school playground rules and throw a 10 X infinity. Best of luck to you!
Man, I do not see this ending well for the OP at all. Gotta learn to give and take. With emphasis on the former.

I married into a pair of cats, and I'm mildly allergic to them. So we made some compromises including a cat garden for them to hang in most of the day and keeping them out of the bedroom, but really, not a big deal. When we built a new house cat considerations were built in. Special cat doors in walls to get to litter boxes in laundry rooms and stuff like that, and a new cat garden. Worked well, though the cats are now gone and replaced by horses and ducks (way more work).
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