Possible wildlife issue that may turn into a marriage issue

Coyotes should eat most of the feral cats that do not die on their own from injury and illness. Half of feral kittens are dead before the 12 month mark. Of those feral cats that survive to 1 year, the expected lifespan is 1 more year. Sure, a lot of songbirds, quail, nesting ducks, rabbits and squirrels will be killed by feral cats. The kindness intended by setting feral cats loose is not even that kind to the feral cats and certainly not to actual wildlife that is native to the area. The "no-kill" policy is a terrible name as the cats are doomed as are the wildlife they will kill. A better name would be "kill out of view" policy.
What would you do if those feral cats were feral horses?

Feral anything that is negatively impacting the eco-system to the detriment of native wildlife should be controlled and that may mean lethal methods. American views of horses as something special is similar to how cattle are viewed in India. Is ignoring science and ecological damage to view feral horses as a mystical animal that is above being held accountable for the damage being done to land and water. https://www.azcentral.com/story/new...oying-habitat-environmentalists-say/31835191/
Feral anything that is negatively impacting the eco-system to the detriment of native wildlife should be controlled and that may mean lethal methods. American views of horses as something special is similar to how cattle are viewed in India. Is ignoring science and ecological damage to view feral horses as a mystical animal that is above being held accountable for the damage being done to land and water. https://www.azcentral.com/story/new...oying-habitat-environmentalists-say/31835191/
Not the point of my question mate. I was wondering whether or not he would fight that battle harder than he would the cats since feral horses would have more significant impacts and not have many natural predators.
Relocating them to someone else's backyard is not the answer in my opinion. Someone else in the next county will do the same, and all you end up doing is trading cats. Personally I would let her know that you love her and support her, but just don't necessarily agree with her viewpoint, but are willing to accept it. (kinda like politics in some households). Then keep the Ruger 10/22 in the truck and take the scenic route when you have to go get groceries if it makes you feel better.
What's her take on dogs? You could get a Drahthaar that she falls in love with as a puppy, then a few months later the dog's helping your cause.

Not a hill I'd be willing to die on, but I did break it off with a girl years ago who got a cat. "Yeah, I don't think this is gonna work out..." My wife had outdoor cats as a kid (she knows my feelings on cats) and I told her those were the worse type of cats. When she found she was allergic to cats after college, I knew I should start ring shopping.
Can't go back but this really a premarital discussion. Don't backdoor her. It won't end well.

Work to help round up and spay/neuter as many feral cats as possible. Support programs that encourage cat owners to spay or neuter. Highlight the issue of feral cats and the need to not release cats that are no longer desired as pets.

I'm not a cat person but I am for marital harmony and against divorce.
Trap fix and release is a joke. Look to Australia if you don't think feral cats are hard on native wildlife.

If a shelter can adopt out cats, I'm fine with that, but the cat crazies are a different breed than the shelter types. Only people crazier are the feral horse people.

When dealing with ferals I'm a firm believer in use enough gun.
Is it more important to you to not have feral cats or to have a happy wife? Maybe discuss with her your view point so that she at least sees your side to the issue. It might change her point of view or it might not but at least she will know.
There was a similar issue with me and the wife when we were dating. She and her parents had a couple of cats and a dog. From the get go I let her know that 1) I am pretty allergic to them and 2) I can't stand the disgusting, pooing in the house, ecosystem destroying buggers. When I would visit I would have to take tons of meds but it was their house. When we got married , especially with my allergies, it was clear never any cats in our house. When our son was got to be a toddler it became clear he was allergic too. Let the inlaws know that if they wanted him around the cat (only one was left and it was really old) had to be the last. They did not replace it once it croaked.

I think the bases have been covered. You have to stay clear of direct contravention. I would say that supporting those who can do the dirty work for you is something to think about. Plus, while out and about I would definitely take care of all of them I could. NOTHING good about cats outside. If people want them in their house that is their business but out and about they should be fair game.......and yes I feel the same way about feral horses.
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