Kenetrek Boots

Porqupine eating brake hoses and tires


Feb 6, 2021
Not sure if this is the right forum for this but ....

Has anyone had an experience at their camp where porcupine will come in and chew up their vehicles brake hoses and tires?
I was in the Black Hills (South Dakota) in a camp area one time and came across someone who talked about having their vehicle stranded far from town because the brake hoses were chewed up.

Wondering if this is a common problem or just a myth. Sure would suck if you were out hunting and came back to camp and had to deal with that.
I've seen photo's where people wrap the bottom of their whole vehicle with chicken wire.
When I was a kid we were sleeping in the back of the truck while camping once and heard noises of something chewing. When it got light in the morning the outside corner of a tire was chewed off about a third of the way around.

It looked like small beaver chewings but rubber. My dad said it was a porcupine and was cussing because he hadn't got up and checked when we heard it.

We never saw it though.
Had misc. wiring harnesses chewed up in our business fleet trucks. Employees that drove them home and lived in the country leaving them parked outdoors. Squirrels and chipmunks were the culprits. Turns out the insulation on many of the wires was soy based.
Had misc. wiring harnesses chewed up in our business fleet trucks. Employees that drove them home and lived in the country leaving them parked outdoors. Squirrels and chipmunks were the culprits. Turns out the insulation on many of the wires was soy based.
Not the first time ive heard of that. Ruined many a power cable...
We would have porcupines, otters, squirrels, foxes and once a grizz spend the winter under our cabins in Alaska. Porcupines and otters were the worst.