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Poker Games- Your Favorite


New member
Aug 10, 2002
Going out for a little nickel, dime & quarter tonight. I'm not a big gambler, but have quite a bit of fun off of $10 a night. Anyhow, what is your favorite poker game? Mine would have to be a toss up between Midnight Baseball (2s & 7s are wild, 4s can buy a card) and Guts. Hopefully will come home with a bit of jingle in the pockets and some liquor on my breath.

Gotta go ant'e up...
Since we've started Playing "screw your Neighbor" We haven't played too much else at the office . BUT I like to play ANY type of poker...

Dr Pepper (10's,2's &4's wild)
Acey ducey (aces / 2's wild)
low ball
5 card stud
5 card draw
7 card stud
Follow the Queen (Version either q is wild and what folows or jsut what follows, dealer's call)
the Jack's game (Anyone drawing the Jack can change the game)
low Chigago (Low spade in the Whole wins 1/2, High had wins other half)
Or high Chicago, same as low but High in the HOLE wins (only whats in the Hole)
Texas Hold um'
Cross game (Card in middle wild and all others like it is too)
Omaha (needs 3 cards 8 or lower in the 5 up cards for a low hand or stricktly a high game)
ship wreck (Low in the Hole is Wild)

Hell, I can't think of any more off the Cuff
But I've been known to play a few games once or twice

Good luck JIM !!!!!!
Welp...lots of beginners luck for some individuals. I lost $3...dawg-nabbit!!!
Me also LBG!

Back before 1986 I had alot of fun playing penny ante with my in-laws and Vipe's Uncle Chcuk and his wife. WE palyed lots of neat games and it was fun regardless of the outcomes. Never lost more than 5 dollars or won as much.

We played

Kiss Your Mother In law (High spade takes half of pot)
Open and Closed Baseball
Various others games I cant remember the name
Kiss your Mother in law sounds like High Chicago. High Spade takes 1/2 and high HAnd takes other half.

Not sure what Opened and closed Baseball is but we play Baseball with 3's & 9's are wild and you get an Extra card if you get a 4 turned up. There are variations to that. Either you get a "FREE" card and it faces up or down, or you have to "NUY" a card usually at a .25 and can buy it down.

Lost $3 ? Good day then, If you went to Vegas you could add a few 0's at the end of that !! We place Poker with dsome guys from ITD (Canoe being one of them) but they've been slacking. Now it's getting to be hunting season so who knows whats gonig to happen ?!??!

Any other games ?
Jacks or better, Trips to win
another really fun one is "Screw your Neighbor"
Nut, you should like that one...
Everyone lines up three "Nuts" (poker chips...usually stacked or worth a large figure, ours were $.25 a stack, lol)
Dealer passes out one card to each player
The object of the game is not to have the lowest card
The person to the left of the dealer starts the hand, he can either hold or pass his card to the left if he is not satisfied
The person to the left HAS to take the card UNLESS he has a King, which is the stopper
Once it completely passes back around to the dealer, the dealer can pull off the top of the deck if he doesn't like his card. Ace's are low in this game, and you know when there is one on the table, as they burn right around.
Everyone flips their cards, the person w/ the lowest card dumps a nut into the pot, if two or more people share the lowest card, they all throw in
The deck is then passed the next person on the left.
The game ends when there is only one man standing with some NUTZ.
They say the guy to the left of the dealer is in the best position, because he is the only one that cannot be forced to give up his card (besides the guy with a king), therefore the reason the deck is passed.
You only reshuffle the deck after you have gone through all the cards.

So go try screwing (the "F" word also compliments the name of the game here too) your neighbor.

When we play cards we usually play Screw your neighbor too, that games pretty fun!!

But we will also play 5 card stud, 5 card draw, or 7 card stud. Oscar, when I move can I come play Cards with you and the boys??
Ovis.. We have like 18.....million Versions of Screw your Neighbor, But the BASE way is a Bit dirfferent them how y'all play it. We start with 4 Quarters. The KING ends the game from the Get go. The Jack is the One that stops it if you like. Aces are the Lowest like you said.

Here are a few other versions that We've made up to modify it. Indian Poker Screw your Neighbor... Don't look at you card but look at everyone elses. this sucks for the Person to the Left of the Dealer as Aposed to usually being the good spot.

2 card Screw your Neighbor. This is the Same but can have millions of Varieties, we usually play Flip your Lowest one. You have an AWSOME time if the Person flips like a 10 or something. then you know they have a good hand. We also play that a Jack stops it and a Natural Pair is like Flipping a King on the One hand Screw your Neighbor.

We also play with the Joker, A new twist. If someone has the Joker it Reverses it so the HIGH hand sucks. HAHA !! Cool when someone flips a King to end it and another person flips the Joker.. BUUUUU YAH !!!! HAHA !!

We sometimes speed up the Games by saying thr 2 low go out. Sometimes lunch doesn't provide alot of time.

We also play 2 card Screw your Neighbor with the High and the Low going out. Total New Stratagy. Be carefull jsut passing one card in this one. Aces are handed out Frequently
HAHA !!!

Let's see. we've played 2 card Indian Poker Screw your Neighbor with Jacks being able to Deny... so If you want to pass to someone with a JAck and a 3 lets say, It sucks because you might get the Low card. Jokers Make a pair but they are not natural. The person passing never tells if the person giving has a Jack either. That way they don't know ever until the round is done.

We've played Screw Your neighbor 2 high go out. Not all that fun, but with 3 people the Best game is Middle goes out. Sometimes a q is in the Middle and Sometimes a 3 is/// Fetchin FUNNY game. It's ALOT of luck. But most of it is anyways.

Screw your Neighbor with 3 cards is anothe game. We play Straights flushes and 3 of a kinds. with 3 cards It's easy to get a Flush. We usually don't flip any cards over in this game.. jsut pass one,two or three cards. you can Still deny with a Jack and Pull the jokers or leave them. MAny options.

In a 3 card game it is Easier to get a Flush then a Straight but since the Rules of Poker is Pairs, Straights, flushes, Boats Ect, we keep it that way jsut for the Ease of remembering it.

2 card Screw your Neighbor can be played with Flipping NO cards, Any card, or lowest card...

Ahhh Another game we made up... Screw your Neighbor Random UPPY !!!! HAH A awsome game, Take the Deck flip half the cards over and shuffle them in, the person dealing jsut deals normal and If the card is Up it sucks to be you. Sometimes you know the Outcome of the hand before it's over... We sometimes flip the Jokers Down so they are always down and reverse that the high person looses. that way its WAY WAY WAY funny when someone has a Q showing and doesn't pass to a guy with a 2, who is blocked by a guy with a Jack and then the Guy with the Q looses when the Guy with the Joker flips his/her card !!!! HAHA !!

Anyways... We have 11 billion versions, All are fun, We might have to play a round or two Sometime Ovis... Not that I'm good or anything, But I like to play
Here is a COOL link..


I was checking out the "RAISE FOREVER" rule they have. We ALWAYS limit the bet to .25 MAX with a 3 raise MAX as well. Sometimes you get guys that get "Stupid" and start betting crazy. Although it seeams like it would keep someone from being Stupid, even with a 3 bet max on a 7 card HAnd there is 5 bets after the 2 down, one up is delt, and at 3 bets a round could be15 Quarters. (Plus the Initial .05 Anti. We always Bet .05 as a Min gesture then go from there. The only time we bet different is Screw your Neighbor (4 .25's , Or Jacks or better, Trips to win were the Opening is .10 each round which scould add up fast.)

Anyways.... Have change , Will travel

OHHH another AWSOME game but can get Expensive... 5.5 and 21.5 Akll favce cards are .5 points and ALL # cards are face value. Flip one down and the Rest up. It's to hard to explain the Betting on this but the dealer always has the LAst say. You can pass each time but once Everyone passes in a round it's over. Whoever is closer to 5.5 and 21.5 at the end split the pot. Good bluffing game if you are delt a down card and a 1/2 point card up. people think you're packing a 5.5 and will take more cards. Aces are 1 or 11. Also a good card to have.

OK... I'm done talking Poker
That is a good game Moosie, but I call it 2 or 22. As you mentioned, aces are 1 or 11 and for that reason you can win both the high and low. And the way I have played it you can pass on taking a card and bet every round until the third pass. At that point you if you don't take a card you will not be able to take one (if you were bluffing, you can't change your strategy). After every bet you rotate to the next person for the next round of betting. This is so the dealer doesn't get the last bet every round which gives him quite an advantage.

The last time I was home playing cards with the boys (and a couple gals). We played No Limit Texas Hold'em. It was still a game that didn't get out of hand since the buy-in was only $20. Now that was fun. It was a lot cheaper than my regular run to Deadwood when I am back in the Hills. :mad: Good thing is I still get those $20 free beers when I am in town. ;) :D :rolleyes:
Thanks Moosie!!
I cut my teeth on poker. My family would play dealer's choice evry Sat night from 7-12 for .02-.04 !! BIG BUCKS!! The winner was "required" to scatter pennies all over the floor for us kids to "clean up" in the morning. The house was changed every week, with the host supplying some of the best homemade fudge, candies, pies, and laughter in the world. I miss them all, and hope they're holding my seat for me!!

My favorite is Texas Hold'em of late because of the odds being so visible. But I like to play J/B/Trips with friends. Dealer's choice is VERY telling as well. If you need 18 or more wild cards in your choice, I'LL CLEAN YOUR CLOCK!! :D :D :D

HAHA !!! MtMiller, It's fair if the Deal rotates to Everyone at least once before Changing games. But liek Chas Says, It's Dealer Choice usually. I don't think I like your Rules.... But next time We're hunting We'll try it. What are Face Card Valuse if you don't use .5 points ? Of do you use them but only go to 2 and 22 ?

J/B/Trips to Win Chas is a Cool game but it's Mostly Luck, alot of times you're jsut waiting for your Hand and there is no Raiseing Bluffing.... Out of All the Games I don't like it that much, But I'm always Up for Bluffing and playing so Bring it on...

Funny thing about playing for Money is $ is Relative. When I play with People that play For Pennies and Nickles The betting stays Within Reason, then Ya Switch to nic/dime Quarter with 3 raise Max and the Betting Adjsuts accordingly.. THEN We play Texas Hold um with $1 max unlimited Raise and Soemtimes It gets' Stupid ;) But usually not. If you play One day with someone That plays for $1 then the Next with a Nickle person it's Hard to Switch the First few hands but you fall back into the Groove...

I usually don't blink loosing any money, Jsut ask MtMiller on our Canada Trip. I think it was Red (Ruolett ?)for $100 then I won and Then I switched to Black I think then lost it jsut as Quick :D Ohh well
I played 21 but I sucked it up. I'd jsut asune play all therse other games with friends and loose to them.

We should Figure out a Way to play Poker, Deallers Choice and HAve the Computer Shuffle and Deal with 5 of us at the Table (Computer) with the Microphones going and Playing for Real Cashola's..... I wouldn't mind Ponying up a Few Bucks for a Game like that... Does that Exist ? I know Online Gameing does but I'd like to Paly against some of you Yahoo's
HAHA !!! MtMiller, It's fair if the Deal rotates to Everyone at least once before Changing games. But liek Chas Says, It's Dealer Choice usually. I don't think I like your Rules....
Well then continue playing in the back row of the short bus. :rolleyes: ;)

What are Face Card Valuse if you don't use .5 points ?
The rest of the game is the same as the one you play. Face cards are still 1/2 point. Now get teh hell out of here would you. :D
The group I play with does not like wild games, so we play straight poker , either 5 or 7 card stud or draw poker with jacks or better or guts to open.. Rules are announced at the start of the game...' F*** yer buddy" is about as crazy as we get... No wild cards...If anyone even MENTIONS the game " BASEBALL" he is promptly shot... :D .... Dealer antes a dollar and no more than a quarter can be bet until there is a pair showing..Max bet is a dollar...

In order to break the monotony we play a lot of two winner games, like Chicago and 7 card high/low...

One version of a straight game that results in some pretty good pots is 5 card stud high/low with a dollar bet allowed right from the get-go...

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