Pocket Knives


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
Any every day carry folks here? Although, they make excellent gifts, here's a few I've managed to keep over the last few years.

I've given lots of pocketknives to TSA over the years, since they are such a habit I forget to take them out of my pocket. I have one Swedish pocketknife my grandpa gave me when I was about 10. I lost it gopher hunting, but then found it when I was about 13. Cleaned up pretty good but it stays on my desk, not my pocket. I'm not losing that one again.
Well, if I have pants on, I have a knife in my pocket and 99% of the time I have my Leatherman with me, I actually feel near naked without it.
Most of my years growing up my dad was manager of Queen Cutlery. I was gifted many knives during those years and I'm certain I still have every single one of them. That probably speaks to how often I actually carry one on a day to day basis.
If I had a dollar for every knife I lost. My feed wagon has a magnet on it so I don't lose so many now:) Guy that works at the elevators is always giving me my knife back because he finds it on their magnet.
I've carried a few different ones, but now just carry this Buck trapper. My dad had a black handled one for years, but lost it. This one replaced it and it was the last thing he personally gave to me before he died. I hope to heck I never lose it.
1 pointer, I have one very similar . I thought I lost it and been searching the past week. My son called me and said he found my pocket knife.....in his paints. He was using it when we were handing stand 2 weeks ago. I'm so glad to have it back.
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I have a Benchmade auto opener with me in uniform always. CO has a law specifically allowing us to carry autos. When not in uniform I have a couple of Gerbers that are very useful. One that doesn't get used is the Spyderco which has the unit crest engraved on it that I got for my final reenlistment.
I was really happy to get this back. I thought it was gone for good.
Yours has been sharpened a bit more than mine, but nearly identical otherwise.

This thread has reminded me how many folks I meet in my daily lives that don't carry a pocket knife. I can't remember all the times I've had to let someone borrow mine. I've fixed eyeglasses, opened boxes, etc for folks because they didn't have one. I just love the folks hacking away at packing tape or nylon packing straps with their keys because they don't have a knife on them.
I've given lots of pocketknives to TSA over the years, since they are such a habit I forget to take them out of my pocket.

More than once I've beat feet (or shuttle) back to parking to stash one.
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