

Raghorn-Justin has apologized for his actions. Hopefully he has worked it out with the parties involved. I havent seen him bugging anyone since he apologized, and I dont think he will! If I get delete happy I catch he11, if I dont delete I catch he11, I dont know what to do except try and let people work their own thing out. Moosie will have to be the judge! i dont own the site, and therefore its not my decision. I have stepped on toes around here too so I am not perfect either. I think Moosie has even Deleted a post or two of mine! Its gonna happen and all we can do is the best we can, me you and anyone that gets fired up. I think we got to put up with it a little so we dont have to be police officers or dictators. People that say their mind dont bother me. THe ones that flat out lie about things bother me alot. I think it will work itself out and I really wish that this is the last post on this as far as the dispute goes. When people wont answer their emails and this is the only place where someone can say what they need to say I guess I will let it go for a paragraph or two, then they can take it off the forum and settle it as far as I can see. We got to do the best we can to get along here , and I think its doing OK and people are beginning to see what it takes to have a good forum, we'll see what happens but I think it will work itself out. Thank GOd people have forgiven me for going off now and then! I would be hamburger if they hadnt!!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
I think you are absolutely right to suggest that folks take the nastiness to email. It doesn't belong on a public forum`and should never be started in the first place. Raghorn is right. This was unprovoked and if Justin has apologized, it would have said alot about him if he would have done it on the forum. After all, he was willing to make the slam on the forum. Just my opinion. SR
Poaching like that is cheating and lying and stealing and shouldn't be tolerated by the rest of us. Here in Utah, they recently started an incentive where you get a limited entry tag of your choice if you report a poacher and it leads to a conviction. Needless to say, the number of reports has gone way up. A lot of hunters carry cell phones out there. Here's a question: What do y'all think about "party hunting." For those who don't know, that's when you shoot game and tag it with someone else's tag. Usually it's intentional - someone goes out and shoots a deer for grandma's freezer - that sort of thing. Sometimes it's a way of covering a goof, like accidentally shooting a cow when you only have a bull tag, so you go look for someone who has a cow tag to tag it. I don't do it myself, but it's quite common I'm sure and I know people who do it but I don't say anything. Is this illegal everywhere? Comments? -al
Party hunting is still legal in some southern states, but they are getting to be fewer and fewer.

This guy (on topic) pretty much got what was coming to him, but in some places, one could expect more of a punishment for poaching a bear than for killing a human. Maybe this should go on the political forum, but it popped into my head as I was reading the replies here.

A little more evidence of how upside down some things in this country are.

"I know people who do it but I don't say anything"

Does this sound like the right thing to be saying? Doesn't that make you just as guilty as doing it? I am not trying to be a smart arse, but.........
If you see something that is wrong, it is up to you to report it. If you are not going to report it, then it needs to stay inside of you. We are talking about poaching here and this is a very serious crime.

Elk Hunting 101: Everything You Need To Know About Elk Hunting

[This message has been edited by Elkhunter (edited 01-20-2001).]
Poaching is big business....

I saw an article recently on the $10,000 Club.....a group that paid a outfitter (and I use this term loosely) $10,000 to take them hunting illegally in National Parks.
They were caught onl a small percentage of the time, and the fines were way less than the profit. Until they make it un-profitable, it will continue.

Yes, poaching is a crime, a horrible crime and a disgrae. Yes i know it goes on all the time, and if anybody is aware of these crimes, then they ned to report them. All it takes is one annonomous phone call or an annonomous letter and the authorities will react to it, especially a letter with a cc to another party.

It may be hard to turn in a friend, but it needs to be done. If that person is indeed a friend, they would not be stealing from you in the first place.

Elk Hunting 101: Everything You Need To Know About Elk Hunting
.....big reward out for the guys who shot the horses, make no mistake about it, they will be caught.

On poaching,.....would it be considered poaching if an out fitter uses extra tags of his own to tag multiple kills by a hunter/client?....have any of you heard of this happening?....and if this is wrong, who would be guilty....client? ...outfitter?.....
I know there is a lotta grey area here, but ethics should come into play somewhere....
I dont see any grey area at all! i think both parties would be responsible for their actions, and should be punished! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
A moose in ND is a once in a lifetime draw. Literally. Many hunters apply for a tag, and their wife also "applies" for one. If the wife draws a tag, guess who goes moose hunting?

I'm not saying it's right, but's that how it is. It's legal here, and I've heard of people who sold their tags also.

It's just proof that no matter how a law is written, someone will find a way around it.

[This message has been edited by Nodak Hunter (edited 01-21-2001).]
And if they try to go around the law or break the law they should be punished. The fines and jail time for poaching need to be far greater than they are now. it is up to everyone of us to help rid of this disease called poaching. The more money someone has, the more likely they will use their ca$h influence to get what they want. Let us wipe out poaching like the disease it is.

Elk Hunting 101: Everything You Need To Know About Elk Hunting
Hey all,
since alot of you seem interested in what happens to poachers here is a site dedicated to hunting Wy. Check out the poachers Hall of Shame

and the guy whp lost a 50,000 dollar helicopter and he was teaching his boy how to hunt

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
Wolfer-THanks for posting that link!!!! Wyoming is getting stiffer on their sentances and I think its ABOUT TIME!!! Why dont they have them ALL ON THERE? I think they should post the names of EVERYBODY for the last several years on thier list of HALL OF SHAME!!!! Thats a good deterant in itself!!! Dont mess with the Wildlife in Wyoming!!!!!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
Well here we go again with people that dont know what there talking about and those who dont have all the facts interrupting things between others so Indy Boy theres no one that cares what you think. I havent said anything to anyone else none of the people that have responded to anything I type have any such business. I think you all should mind your own business.
Indy Jay I never said I was Perfect or that I could spell better than everyone else. I cant help that I only graduated from 3rd grade. Ok folks lets relax and cool off hunting season over for awhile an everyone can relax for awhile. I apologize for getting everyone riled up.
I agree with B'cat, they should ALL be on there, the humiliation would be the worse part. I read a lot of sheep poachers on the wonder you can draw a tag B'cat! Every sheep poached takes away a hunters tag....GUARANTEED!

I saw several nice full curl Rams while elk hunting this year, even got within 30 yards to them, with my rifle in tow........and not ONCE did it occur to me to shoot one! That's not hunting at all! These animals were on winter ground struggling to get through hard times, sitting ducks so to speak. This is worse than taking animals from game farms in my opinion! least on a game farm, their not weakened by the severity of the winter! It takes a different kinda of pathetic slob to take advantage of these animals. When someone has to break the law, or "change the rules" so to speak, to succeed, you can bet that tells you a lot about their way of life in general.
And another reason it never crossed my mind to take one of these majestic animal without a tag, was them big ol' radio collars around their necks!!!

.....and Jay, I am interesting in what you I know many others here are! You have been with us from the beginning, and NEVER have had a dispute with anyone. Your credibility is unmatched as far as I am concerned......

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