Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Please help the refugee...

LOL I wouldnt be giving away to much either if I was you.
You need to decide what type of hunt it is you want ,as these units are alot different from each other.
From sage to high MT.
With those lower draw hunts being rut hunts if it hasnt changed this year.
and early archery for any buck then general season for 2points only.

Whatever way you go im sure you will have a good time.
Ridgetop, I am here to say that you CAN draw a unit 40 tag. Idrew with 3 other people on the ticket the very first time I applied!! (Never mind the fact that I have not drawn since HA HA). You will not be dissapointed if you draw unit 40, and I have a feeling that 41 is probably pretty good too. Good luck in the draw, and happy hunting.
So how did you guys do on that hunt. Did you see a lot of big-uns. My source :cool: (maybe I do like this James bond stuff after all) said he saw the biggest live buck hes ever seen in his whole life down in unit 40 last fall. He said it would go close to 40" if it would go an inch. He also told me getting a 30 incher would be almost as easy as going out and tipping over a cow in his best spot. We might have to reserve a day for him to take us out there just to lust after, and video them before or after our hunt. :eek: Maybe I need to reconsider my draw choice...
You guys are cracking me up.
Steve and I also drew unit 40 the first time we put in. :D But nothing after that :(
I usually do the dumb thing ,and I stayed true to myself on that hunt.
We only had a short time to hunt so I told Steve I wouldnt be to picky about what I shot (like I ever am) and we could then hunt harder looking for his buck.(will I ever learn)LOL
He ended up shooting a 29in 3x3.
This was on day two.
Next time we get a good draw hunt we will be taking more time off work (even if we have to quit our jobs to do it.) LOL
Hey canoe,did you get your tent?
How about that steelhead fishing trip?
Or do you even remember seeing us at the sports show :D
Hey Moosie, I see your'e back from Texas. It looks like you guys had a blast! Wish I could say my week was as fun as you guys'.

Now about that puke you said you had for me...
Caribou Gear

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