Tossed the kids into the trucks and went exploring. We hauled 3 four wheelers & a dirt bike. Good weather, dry trails, and a long ride. Followed a light track to a nice camp spot.
This new day, headed up river to follow a new trail, and stopped at a great fishing hole. Three channels converged into one, with big back eddies rolling on each side. 2nd fishing lesson for the kids.
This young dude was hammering the fishing hole. Told us where the fish were holding up!
We followed this trail to its end at a gold mine camp. The claim owner said he put in the trail 12 years prior. We were the first people to ever roll in and visit. He was impressed. We, maybe more, looking at what he had hauled in. This guy spends his summers solo, loving life!
An awesome remote camp trip. Made it home for Wasilla's 4th of July parade. The best I ever experienced. Thousands of mask less people. Only one! A school buss driver!
One of my little ones, can sing "I am an American" So cute
Thanks for sharing. Grayling are great right into the frying pan but sure don't seem to keep very long. Voracious buggers too. They keep coming back for more.