Planning for an Eastern Montana mule deer hunt

I have actually shot 2 whitetail in Montana. Actually drove all the way there for mule deer but wasn't able to turn up any size so the next focus was a nice whitetail. I was actually able to get on some private ground my last day there and help a rancher out that wanted to get rid of some whitetail

I am driving all the way from Louisiana next season and I will be focusing on whitetails. I mean if I see a big ole mule deer I will go after it, but I have a hunch I will be coming home without a mule deer.
I shot a mule deer 2 years in a row and wanted a whitetail. Mature deer around me are 75lbs in the rut, farm deer in my area can get 125 but rare.
It wasn't a well thought out plan. It was one of those deals where you go over a hill and deer run everywhere. The biggest deer stayed with a doe and gave me 5 seconds to make a decision. Very next night a bigger buck was in same field and 5 days later while scouting a way bigger deer in that field as well.
It was cool tho, good times. I'll always remember that drag w/ my brother.

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