Caribou Gear Tarp

Planning for an Eastern Montana mule deer hunt

I didn’t read every response. But here’s my thoughts from a non-resident to Montana, who has hunted Eastern Montana for Mule Deer. I feel like there is plenty of bucks, yes they don’t seem to get very big. Despite the cost and lack of big bucks my hunting party are planning to go back this year because it’s so much fun.

Not knowing exactly how well your father gets around it’s hard to say how successful you’ll be. We work for our bucks but I still think deer are accessible for people in less than perfect shape. When my son is of age, I’ll take him to Montana for his first deer hunt because it’s so much less work than black-tailed deer hunting in CA and I want him to enjoy himself so I don’t burn him out.

Everything they say about the gumbo is true.

Lastly, I get more excited about the whitetail in Eastern MT than the mule deer. The biggest muley buck I’ve seen in MT was shot by my buddy I was hunting with. In another unit or different state I’d have suggest on passing it. On the other hand, the biggest whitetail buck I’ve seen in east MT I wouldn’t have passed anywhere ever. If that makes sense.
I’ll quit derailing the thread. Original poster come out and enjoy hunting mule deer because these are the glory days of mule deer hunting in eastern Montana if we continue on this same path.
I’ll quit derailing the thread. Original poster come out and enjoy hunting mule deer because these are the glory days of mule deer hunting in eastern Montana if we continue on this same path.
Agreed, come out and enjoy it. Who knows how many years of it are even left.
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I just watched Marcus and the crew hunt eastern MT for mule deer and it looked like a pretty cool hunt. I've never hunted them in terrain like that but would love to. Seemed like pretty good numbers of deer and decent bucks if you look for them. Given my track record of shooting 1 and 2 year old bucks, I think it would be a dream hunt!
Those shows to me were evidence of how far we’ve bottomed out.
To the OP - I hope you draw and have a terrific hunt and enjoy your time in montana . I think what some of the experienced resident such as brockel and others are saying about montana mule deer hunting is true , it’s not good right now and probably won’t get better for a while but you can still have a memorable trip . Good luck
Last year I did all of my hunting in the Little Belts and tried to take my son who has cerebral palsy up into the mountains. He is no longer able to walk very far so this year I was planning on hitting the eastern side of the state where we've got more range as for sight and hopefully give him more of an opportunity. It isn't always about the rack that makes the best hunts.
I am considering heading back out to eastern Montana this year as well. I spent time in the South Central part of the region 7 in 2020 and had an amazing trip. I shot my first mule deer on that trip which was a long time dream of mine being a whitetail hunter from Ohio, and made some memories that will last a lifetime.
I am a little hesitant this year though due to the ongoing drought conditions that have seemed to even shrink the narrowing mule deer herd even further. I have some friends in the Colstrip area that have mentioned how badly the local mule deer population has been effected. Any thoughts on this for you folks in region 7?
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