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Planet of Humans

Like Solyndra did?

Sad to say yes, like them. Green energy has long way to go to to catch up to traditional energy sources in regards to bail outs however I'm sure they will keep trying to catch up. Now if we only start a few wars over green energy then maybe they will close the gap a little more.
Sad to say yes, like them. Green energy has long way to go to to catch up to traditional energy sources in regards to bail outs however I'm sure they will keep trying to catch up. Now if we only start a few wars over green energy then maybe they will close the gap a little more.
Solyndra wasn't a bailout. It was corruption with no accountability. As for wars, one is on the horizon.
Solyndra wasn't a bailout. It was corruption with no accountability. As for wars, one is on the horizon.

Changing your name to Nostradamus? when hasn't there been war on the horizon? And there is no corruption with no accountability in traditional energy, got it.
Another review from my Google feed.

Timely link inside this link.

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Yes there is corruption in the traditional energy business with no accountability.

Another good one here from the Loan Guarantee Program for which we as taxpayers are on the hook for $12B. The portfolio as a whole has performed well to date, but it will be interesting to see if we get our money back as taxpayers given the weight of this project on the portfolio.

I heat my home with bio fuel. Its renewable and carbon neutral. It's called firewood. Not sure what fossil fuel Michael Moore uses to heat his home or homes?
Well, he could heat the whole state on his own personal natural gas....I happen to know folks in the utilities industry where his "quaint little cottage" is and I can tell you that he is FFFAAARRR from carbon neutral.
Another good one here from the Loan Guarantee Program for which we as taxpayers are on the hook for $12B. The portfolio as a whole has performed well to date, but it will be interesting to see if we get our money back as taxpayers given the weight of this project on the portfolio.

Sounds like a cluster. Here's a list of the Southern Company's BOD's and their business backgrounds.
Absolutely this^...the perfect "capitalist" model...privatize profit and socialize loses.

Goes on in the AG industry, timber industry, mining, oil and gas, renewable energy, biofuel, nuclear, etc. etc. etc.

Not always a bad thing, without the .gov pumping a metric chit ton of money into those "capitalist" industries, there would be no option for anything to do with mitigating impacts to wildlife, clean air, or clean water.

Tax payers always pick up the way or the other.
Agree but you forgot automotive and banking.
The not so perfect model is where "developed" countries have China do our dirty work for us so we can talk carbon neutrality, and then ignore what is really going on there because that would put an end to the fantasy land many are trying to promote.
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