Kenetrek Boots

Pikeminnow anglers go for bounties, bonuses


If you knock all the dams down to the Pacific, there will be no electricity for development in the region. That'll curb growth. That'll also be the final straw for the evil Palouse grain farmers. Pretty soon it will go back native prairie. Then it will become the N. W. Mecca for drunken college kids, enviros, and old dope smoking hippies. Get after it!
What was I thinking? Moscow could never compete with Missoula as the drunken college kid, clueless enviro, dope smoking old hippy capital of the N. W.. Better keep the dams over there.
Haven't we already said on this post where the dams aren't a huge electricity source. As much as I would love to see it, native Palouse prairie ecosystems aren't coming back, they're too far gone.
BigHornRam said:
Simple. Don't kill the squaw fish or haze the sea lions, that will only prolong the process.

Actually, they now believe that hazing the sealions actually causes them to eat more fish. They say that it keeps them more active and thus requires them to eat more to keep up their energy. Hazing is going to do nothing to help the salmon. The only effective "hazing" is going to be replacing the rubber bullets with lead or solid copper (x-bullets would be my choice).

I thought you hazed with a 300 win mag and 180 gr X bullets already?


Would the amount of electricity needed to light up Seattle be considered a "huge source"? If not, how do you propose replacing this small, miniscule, almost non existant source? With hemp fired generation?
I say gun the sea lions in the ladders. Why bother trying to haze them away, get the job done and quit wasting time.

How do you replace power generated by these dams? There are several options available and probably more on on the horizon. Wind farms are popping up and while they have some issues to themselves, they're probably better on anadromous fish returns than concrete. Maybe propose the use of solar panels in new building construction and possibly provide tax credits for their use as is being done in some locals currently. I think nuclear is also an option. The "fear" of the nuclear power option is greatly overstated and should really be a source we consider still.

BHR, do I detect that you think I'm a pot smoking hippie with the hemp comment?

Aren't the sea lions protected? You're not advocating shooting the poor creatures are you? That would be against the law.....kinda like shooting a wolf in the ass. I didn't think that you were a pot smoking hippie, just hung with pot smoking hippies. After that comment and your "nucular" comment I'm starting to wonder.

P.S. Isn't your "tax credits" for solar really "tax cuts for the rich", as well a subsidy for "big solar"?
The "fear" of the nuclear power option is greatly overstated and should really be a source we consider still.
Yup! hump Plus many of the nuke sites were already built with expansion in mind....
Exactly! We should be building nuke plants all over this country. (Especially on the east coast.)

BHR, the sealions are protected but the marine mamal protection act needs revised to add some exceptions like doing some population control work. It's ridiculous to let the huge numbers of sealions gorge themselves in the river. The Calif. sealion species isn't anywhere near being endangered or threatened. There is no good reason not to shoot every sealion in the CR. All the sealions in the river are males and the loss of every one of them would not reduce the overall numbers of sealions to the point of being threatened.
Shame on you Curly! Wanting to smoke poor innocent sea lions just so you can catch and kill more salmon for your own selfish needs. You guy's are starting to sound like a bunch of card carrying hate mongering Republicans. Smoking sea cuts for the rich........subsidize campaign contributing big solar..........and to top it off "nucular" power advocates lockstep with Bush and his cronies. I wonder if the people around Cherynoble (sp) fear nucular power? Should anyone fear Iran's "plans" for nucular power?

I think we need to turn the dams into a historic nature preserve and endangered sea lion sanctuary.
BigHornRam said: guy's are starting to sound like a bunch of card carrying hate mongering Republicans....

I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks.:) (Except that I wonder how Bush can be considered a Republican with his liberal actions??:confused: )
I've spent a little too much time in the Palouse in the last year and IMO it rains WAY too much up there for too much retirement development. I think the sunny weather is what makes So. ID and places like UT much more susceptible to Californication by the aging baby boomers.

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