GOHUNT - Filter and find hunts like never before

Pics and more pics...

He loves his job.
how cool is this

first you shoot the duck, then lay down the shotgun and shoot a picture of your dog retrieving the duck you shot

your going to be working for a famous outfitter and/or magazine soon as their photographer
Been getting these guys at the feeder, Gray-crowned rosy finches...



Nice looking bird feeder. Who sells those or is it home made? Been looking for better, longer lasting bird feeders, since a lot of them don't last to long.
Nice looking bird feeder. Who sells those or is it home made? Been looking for better, longer lasting bird feeders, since a lot of them don't last to long.

I had to ask the wife, my job is limited to filling the feeders she buys...she said duncraft:

Appreciate it. The wife loves feeding the birds and I'm getting sick of wood, cheaply built feeders. She likes to feed them so much, yet I'm the one filling them and picking up the food 90% of the time, go figure. Looked this past week and couldn't find anything local that was worth buying.