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Opened the door off my deck last night to fling a few arrows, and found I had an extra target!


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Had my son Mason out on a bulldozer expanding our food plot today. Pretty sure I have a future engineer or equipment operator on my hands. He was in absolute heaven.
Tyler, I would love too. However, my wife has a absolutely no bulldozer policy. She made that clear when I showed up one day with an excavator I won at an auction. The guy we hired was really good and cleared 1.5 acres of stumps and graded for drainage in just over 6 hours. Plus he took the time to let my son push some dirt with him.
That'll work. I'd throw about 150-200# of winter rye on the dirt. It'll grow this fall and the deer will eat it. Next spring it'll grow like gangbusters and keep the weeds suppressed. I've become a big fan of it because it's cheap and so easy to grow.

To keep to the pic theme...
Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr
The two wardens that checked my elk in Gunnison. Both guys were awesome! Steadily congratulating me and giving me advice on quite a few things around Gunnison.

Had to slow down and snap a picture of the sun setting on a successful afternoon hunt.
Just finished up a batch of sweet Italian sausage, even in the raw it smelled delicious!
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Best buds on and off the field. My oldest on the right.
Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

Rules limit them to being linemen, but today it was sloppy and the linemen had fun!!! They both had fumble recoveries, lots of tackles, and did well blocking. #90 was most excited about kicking his first extra point!
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