Well-known member
WY is a big black hole right now for charging capacity. Tesla has done a good job with supercharges along I-80, but other commercial charging providers have not made those investments yet. It's actually something that I've got some concerns with since I spend a lot of time in WY. The good news is that you can charge most EV's using the standard NEMA plugs at RV parks, and many of them will let you charge for a small fee. It's not superfast, but it does provide options.I am partial to my gasoline powered Fords for you Ford jokers LOL. I will not go to electric cars in my lifetime unless I see power stations located at more than inner city areas AND the cost comes WAY DOWN. Another problem with electric cars is you better have patience because it takes a while to charge them back up, least right now.
The below map show chargers in the NW part of the country. I've excluded Tesla chargers since it would overwhelm the map. Green are level 1 or 2 chargers (charge at about 19 miles of charge per hour) and the orange are level 3 high speed chargers (up to 400 miles of charge per hour). Stations are being added all the time, and as more and more EV's hit the road, the pace will only accelerate.

I'll never push an EV on anyone who doesn't want one. It's definitely personal choice, and I've seen just as vigorous debates over Ford vs. Chevy vs. Dodge as I have with ICE vs. EV. It's whatever suits your needs and preferences. I think there's a lot of misinformation out there on EV's (both positive and negative), so I just provide my personal experience having owned one for 5+ years.