Picked up a dog today....


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2010
NW Montana
Now, allow me to explain. I was scouting new areas to hunt quail here in SW NM this AM. Was at least 10-15 miles out in the desert looking for good quail cover on a remote road. I found a small what I believe to be a Husky female that had a busted left front leg. Perhaps hit by a car, cannot say. There is nothing, nothing near where I found her. She was very dehydrated and I was able to get close enough to give her at least three bottles of water in a dog bowl that I carry for my lab Belle. After nearly an hour to get her to trust me I loaded her into my car and contacted multiple agencies here near Deming, NM. Was given permission to take her to a local vet. She was/is in bad shape. The local shelter is involved trying to help and with some luck she will survive.
I am a dog person. I hunt my dogs and they are family. We will keep a good thought for her that she belongs to someone and will survive. Guess I am an old softy! MTG
Sorry things didn't work out for the pup. You did the right thing by removing her from a potentially painful death.
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You did what you could and that is commendable. I am sorry she didnt make it, but thank you for trying.
Good for you. Sorry about the finale.
In NM dogs are dumped in very remote places & left.
I found Rio at a local shelter before he got dumped & he has changed my life.
...now,finding quail in NM in decent numbers is a tough one
The last things that dog experienced were compassion, caring and comfort. I'd call that a happy ending. A toast in your honor. I hope a family dog gets to enjoy your kindness on a daily basis.

May pet abusers wind up as fun meals for cannibals in Hell, the ones who like to play w their food.
Well you made my eyes water, I've had a rough go over the last year with my dogs.
This incident, of itself, makes my dog even closer to our family. I know the people on this board are true dog people. It shows in your sentiment. MTG
To echo what others have said, well done MTGunner. Dogs are family to me as well.

You can tell a lot about a guy's character by how he treats his animals (whether they be dogs, horses, pack goats, etc)
Great job man. You gave that dog a comfortable ending. Poor thing didn't have to suffer anymore. Hats off to you. I used to live a long way out of town and people would literally pull into my driveway, tie their dogs to my fence and drive away. The poor things would be starving most of the time. It was heart breaking. The world could use a few more caring people like you in it.
We have a rescue dog that is a mixed bread. We believe him to be part chihuahua and part badger. His handle is Chick-O. Has a poor attitude but loves my bride. He’s a keeper. Our other pup is a five year old Labrador female bird hunting machine. We are a fortunate family. MTG
Yeah, we picked up a pup the other day too. I was going to wait until we put the old dog down but I had a moment of weakness, my daughters are thrilled...
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