Phx out of gas !


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
And I thought it was a joke when aprils mom told me yesterday morning. Its not.

I went out again tonight to try to find some.
I just made a quick trip to scout the prospects, I think I will be sleeping in, tomorrow morning. 3 stations open from 67th and olive -67t t-bird, then to 99th t-bird to cactus, the area covered was 3 miles x 5 miles and all in between there are a min of 3 gas stations on every corner. and only 3 had gas.

The smallest line I saw was about 1/2 mile, but it was on both sides of the corner so thats about 1 mile long .

The Albertsons on 75th and cactus looked like a damn disney land line, they weaved in and out of the parking lot on to the street both cactus and 75th sides . Heck I swear people were throwing bbq's out there saw people sitting in lawn chairs and there kids playing in the parking lot.

My neighbor has 4 vehicles out in front of his house I have my own personal gas station LOL. I hope he doesnt mind waiting in 2-3 hour lines.
oh yeah experts are saying this will last for 1-2 weeks. FUGGING DEER SEASON STARTS THIS WEEKEND

Same thing out here! 4out of 5 stations are out, just got back from QT on dysart just south of I-10 no line filled both truck`s and then filled my wife`s mail jeep she was out and has to get the mail out, thats why i`m up at 2 in the morning. i heard avondale is out also, i feel like i got lucky, beats waiting in line in 110 degrees.
Heard one lady used a half tank of gas looking for a place to get gas.

How many other neighbors you got scoped out Del?
What the heck??? How are you guys out of gas? Is that legall for gas stations to gouge prices like that?

With the black out out east here, a couple refineries in NY where shut down, so gas is supposed to go up a quarter or something, but there is still enough gas for everybody.

That sucks for you guys
It ain't no better on my side of it all either. Looked in a 12 square mile area found 2 stations open and then had to pay 2.35 for regular. Waited 45 minutes and then had to fight a wet over my place in line. I think he got the jist of the situation when I locked the hubs, My truck was bigger
and that toyota would have looked good under my Ford.

Bambistew: the pipe line that supplys us is broke and they say it will take 10 -14 days to repair and test it. Everything is being trucked in from Tuscon. No we don't have a price gouging law. But if those elected people want to run again they better make one.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-19-2003 10:32: Message edited by: 2fastnaz ]</font>
One week ago before this bullshit started our att. general [ferry godnerd] said anyone caught price goughing would be procecuted to the fullest extent of the law! then 2 days ago the queer finds out there is no such law! there is a mexican at 7th st. and dunlap charging $4.97 a gallon i guess he almost got his ass kicked and he has shut down.
Phx out of gas? I thought being that close to the border, you guys would never have any GAS shortages. What happened, did the bean crop fail?

I guess this thing is supposed to be corrected in the next day or two. The TWO feeder lines into Phoenix are supposed to be fixed and tested today.

My question is if there are only TWO feeder lines into the Valley, how in the hell can they justify 71 different brands of gas and 16 different prices schedules?

Does that sound strange to anyone else or am I just being conspiratorial again?

Yeah that does sound funny Dan but I heard that only 30% of the supply comes from that line and that the other 70% is trucked in.... Thats coming from our lesbian bitch governor so who knows what the truth is.

BTW the test of the repaired line failed according the what I just heard on the radio.
I hear so many conflicting stories who knows what the fuggin truth is.

Yeah Dannr I was thinking the same thing. How can there be all these brands if theres only 2 pipes bringing it in. And if it carries 30% of our fuel how come 90% of the stations are shut down.

The guy at 7th street and Dunlap is still open and selling for 3.97 a gallon yesterday. Haven't checked yet to day. The funny thing is people were waiting in line for his gas up to 45 minutes and right up the road there was circle K @1.99 a gallon and no line. Some folks just aint got no sense.
all the gas pretty much comes from the same place however the reason why there are so many different brands is because of the additives they want add'd in.

Just like most of the oil comes from the middle east but every refinery has different brands

The pipeline that comes from tucson actually comes from elpaso, reason being this is the cheapest place to where we can get our special blend (the shit we are requiered to burn in phx area only).
The fuel from ca gets mixed here and is regular fuel(not the special shit).

All they had to do was lift that ban on reg. gas here when they first saw the problem and we would have never had a problem.

Besides this is the same gas that ca. used and now they dont use it anymore due to they found it caused problems.
Back in New Brunswick, I had a couple of friends that owned a Shell Bulk company. They delivered a lot of diesel in the area, and heating oil too. They had customers swear by Shell Oil - "That Irving stuff doen't work right; Texaco screws up their engine" blah blah blah. The tank farms in NB are all in one area. When the trucks pulled up to the tanks, it was all the same stuff coming out lol
well there seems to be more gas now , i saw 3 stations with gas [no lines ] last week the lines were 1/2 mile long in each direction. but i can`t stand to see our bulldyke governor in a hard hat and an orange safety vest standing over a hole looking at the broken pipeline like she knows something.
I don't miss sitting in the lines that happened in the seventees gas crunch and really makes me glad I was in the mountains so I didn't have to witness this event...
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