Kenetrek Boots

Pheasant & Chukar Recipes

Pressure canned pheasant last night as the freezers full.

A few simple go to recipes.

Salt pepper and flour when still semi moist. Fry in cast iron till golden. Add a cup and half chicken stock, sliced onion and carrot cover with tinfoil and into 350 degree oven for 2 hr. Add moisture as needed for amount gravy desired. Serve with mash.

Lay breast flat. Slice into 2 slabs, tenderize with mallot slightly. Poach in shallow pan with stock, and desired seasoning. One to 2 min max each side. Looking for just barely done. Pulls apart easy and juicy.
Go buy your favorite flavor of Cheez-Its. Put them in a food processor and get about half of them to powder and leave half of it with some small flakes. Cut into strips/nuggets, egg wash, bread with the Cheez-Its and fry in peanut oil.
Chicken pot pie soup Slow cooked and shredded pheasant legs/thighs and subbed them in for the breast in this recipe. Added rolled and cut canned biscuits in as dumplings too. One of the best things I’ve had in a while.
I like them cut up and fried like chicken the best. Never get enough pheasant to experiment but have tried a lot of different ways to use up chukar.
I liked to stuff and grill the breasts. Cut slits on each side of the keel. Stuff roasted peppers or chiles and cheese into the pockets. Cover with bacon and grill. Have also done beer can chukar using small juice cans. Wrap the tips of the leg bone to keep from burning.
Lemon pepper pheasant

Pound breasts flat
Dip in egg
Dip in mix of four,cilanto,parmasean, and lemon pepper then fry in olive oil
We eat a lot of pheasant and this is our favorite. I save the legs and make a stew that I got off hank Shaws site
I make a lot of pheasant strips. The whole family loves them. I make my own seasoning with flour and chicken seasonings, salt, pepper, garlic, etc to taste. Dip in an egg wash with milk then shake up in a zip loc with flour at least 2 hours before frying in coconut oil over med heat about 2-3 min per side. Then dip in your favorite sauce. Sweet chili or chick filet sauce is ours.

I recently started plucking, brining, and smoking whole pheasants with hank shaws recipe also. Good stuff.
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