Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Perfect Hunt Talk Thread

Only sissies use minivans for protection. Real men pick up sticks.


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Its also pretty tough to talk about a perfect thread without elkcheese....and JoseCuervo.

I'll never forget the Cheese and the bunkers he built...or the survival tips.

The old "survival" section was the best. Reading the cheese was like an 11PM stroll through WalMart.

The first 20 posts in this thread don't even come close to capturing perfection.

If you can read a post without spitting Keystone Light out your nose, onto your keyboard, then there is something missing.

"Practice your stalking by going to the Mall and seeing if you can follow people without them knowing."
How to make "something or other" taste like roast beef. Jose's response made me spit coffee on the keyboard.

There were a lot of ruined keyboards back in the day.

I liked the "catch and release" on the Bull trout using a treble hook and dragging the fish up 10 feet of rocks for a picture.

The tips from the Girl Scout handbook in the Survival section were pretty fun, but not making jerky in your kitchen hanging it from the ceiling fun. Since we are in the way back mode, a debate on the merits of "collage" would be needed.

mtmiller found the book, I was just looking for it. I can't remember the name. Something from mid-1950's.

I wished someone would have saved all the old pictures.

Jerkey hanging from the kitchen ceiling eye-bolts
Cheese hiking in a chainsaw, 2 shovels, backhoe, pulaski to dig a temporary shelter/tiger trap.
Cheese climbing out of his bunker with Saddam
Somewhere on an old hard-drive, I have a photo of a Charles Manson look-a-like, pants down, laying on top of a cow elk carcass on a snowy street in Wyoming. True Survival.