Yeti GOBOX Collection

Party at Moosies....

T Bone

If you would like, I can bring some vaccume packed salmon to Moosie's house so you can take it home with you. Let me know what will feed the family.
I got the Pasta Salad done... and in the Fridge, right next to the Beer...

Should I bring the Amarula??? You know, the Liquour I brought back from Africa that makes the Elephants drunk, so they rampage through villages...
Moosie I've got both my hunter host permits spoken for this year but next year ya never know. The neat thing about hunter host permits is that I can't profit from them and you only need to get here. Bears I've heard of a few around here but I have not had the time to hunt them, they usually hunt you around here. Just shoot something in the high country and before you have it gutted their looking for you. We have them trained pretty good. Now with all this talk of food I'm heading to the bbq with a venison steak Have fun..
Anyone too Drunk can Sleep at my house in the Yard :D :D I'll Even Provide a garbage bag to cover up with.... No charge !!!
No thanks Moosie, I'd rather sleep in EG's long as he doesn't try any "spooning" stunts.
Powderburn.... IS that A spring hunt ? If so, Jot me down and You'll profit.. Err I mean I'd be willing to go hunting up there with ya :D I'm actually talking with a Guy for Northern Alberta (Guide_ for next year.. LEmme know :D
Well... The PArty Went off fairly good. Thanks to Mrs Moosie for Helping out a TON while I was busy Chitter Chatting ;)

I'm not sure if we had More Adults or kids

Thanx to Everyone that showed up.
I just like the "icy" stare from Mrs. Moosie when Moosie gets a bit carried away, "chitter chatting"....

Good to meet you and your family.... Aren't those supposed to be "vittles", not "fiddles"?
Definitely had a good time. Ithica gave me some priceless info and I also met some good people to boot...Elkgunner wasn't that bad of a guy either ;)
Good to meet you and your family.... Aren't those supposed to be "vittles", not "fiddles"?
See, I was totally lost on that until you said somthing.

I was sitting here thinking, "I don't recall Moosie giving out any fiddles."
That is all right, Ithica gave LittlestGunner $0.50 to watch Scout....
I'm guessing Ithica didn't trust me with Scout, as I offered to watch her for two bits...I coulda used the money.


Fiddles, viddles, who cares, so long as you had a good time
Sounds like I missed a fine hoo-rah. I'd of like to watch Scout. I'd of played with her for a quarter.

Thanks for the Salmon Ovis! It will be put to good use.

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