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Partial List of Things I Don't Get

Definitely Cats
Why putting your turn signal indicator on before applying the brakes to make said turn is not a law
The Pontiac Aztek
I suppose. I used to do a ton of mtn biking. I just strapped them upright in the back.
Why people buy a blanket to hang over their pickup tailgate to protect it from bikes hanging out. Why not just put the bikes in the bed?

you can't possibly be cool without a massive dakine ad draped over the tailgate of your raptor, bro

mountain biking is only cool when everyone knows you do it
Reminds me of the 7 oz Little Kings Cream Ale. Had more than one major hangover from those little guys back in my college days. Not sure if they still exist or still come in that size, but it made my head hurt just thinking about it. 🍺
Not sure if they call the NA stuff something else now but I tried it when it was called Coors Cutter, didn't have high expectations but it was horrid. Put a peanut M&M in it and it erupted all over the couch, got a laugh out of it at least.
1. Def Lep. If you aren’t hitting a bowl listening to High and Dry on long road trips, what are you doing?

My List:
1. People who think parroting anything from CNN, MSNBC or Maddow is somehow intelligent or responsible.
2. Paper Tigers, you can hire 20 people to a technical position and 2 are competent.
3. There may a correlation between 1 and 2
4. Karen’s, the downfall of a free society

To the guy that said 6 cylinder trucks, even worse are 6 cylinder 4x4's. Never a worse match, give me a 4 or 8 or nothing. (exclusions for forced air engines)

My List:
1. People who think parroting anything from CNN, MSNBC or Maddow is somehow intelligent or responsible.

Not to take this thread to any place political, but there was a time no terribly long ago that I wouldn't have included CNN in a list like this. They always leaned left, but still seemed basically reliable. They're so far down the road now its almost sad.
C'mon, my therapist told me a firsthand account of how he cured a severely depressed autistic guy with a Ketamine drip. Then he tried to hook me up to the IV. :oops:


Hallucinogenics as a mental health therapy.
Not to take this thread to any place political, but there was a time no terribly long ago that I wouldn't have included CNN in a list like this. They always leaned left, but still seemed basically reliable. They're so far down the road now its almost sad.
People who think Fox news is an actual news network.
Caribou Gear

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