Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

OYOA Needs your help

Will do, Randy. Can't believe you guys weren't nominated by the network. Without a doubt, you guys have the best show on TV. There's not even a close second in my book.
Voted! As for the comments about changing my occupation I probably wouldn't get to spend as much time on here if I had those kind of jobs. I'll stay where I'm at. The biggest headaches I have to deal with are usually self inflicted and lately few and far between.

Although the more I think about it, wouldn't it be interesting if the president used his vacation to spend a few months hunting in the rockies. I wonder if being president could get a guy some free points toward some nice draws. Hunting would probably suck though with all the S.S. guys, helicopters and crap spooking the animals. Not to mention the other hunters who had to put up with it. If I got the job the few minutes I had between trying to solve the worlds problems and make everybody happy I would be on here reading about how bad it was for some poor guy who saved up points for years and had his tag ruined by the president who got free points and was followed around by an entourage. Nope couldn't live with myself. Although the VP never seems to be too busy and as long as I didn't go bird hunting down south I could probably pull that off.

As for the ad exec job that wouldn't work either. After a few months they would get tired of hearing complaints about scantly clad women in commercials for products that actually do what they claim to do being allotted all the air time for breaks in the 4 Hour OYOA show that details everything from the tag decision process to the meat packer and includes all the combinations of camp guests, DQ stops and cheetos antics in between. Yep, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. Super heroes are hard to replace these days you know.
Another day, another vote! I really hope you get at least one of these awards, because I think you are changing the perception of what a good hunting show is.
CRAP! I can't find where to vote. Every time I try I find myself on the profile page. Can anyone walk me through this? OYOA is by far my favorite hunting show and I would love to give my support. Please forgive me for my computer illiteracy and help me vote!
Voted again. On the very first post from Fin there is a voting link at the bottom. I assume you must be a facebook user for it to work. Let the page load and as stated earlier, start voting the Chicago way but only once a day.
CRAP! I can't find where to vote. Every time I try I find myself on the profile page. Can anyone walk me through this? OYOA is by far my favorite hunting show and I would love to give my support. Please forgive me for my computer illiteracy and help me vote!

Here is the link. Thanks for voting.

Even if you don't have Facebook account, you can vote on a friend's FB account. Once on the FB account, all you need is your own email address.

Thanks again.
I feel like an idiot! I click on the link and it takes me to the sportsmans channel page, but I cannot find a place to vote for the life of me. I am not kidd'n--I have been trying to vote for the last 30 minutes and cannot get off of the origonal sportsman's page. I HATE COMPUTERS!!! What am I doing wrong?
When I click, it gives me a VOTe option in the middle of the page, or VOTE NOW on the left margin.
The only problem I have is that every time I vote I wind up watching the elk video.
I voted again today. I haven't been able to vote for the last few days because I have been hunting, not living vicariously through someone's video. I wonder how many of the pigman fans actually hunt?
I have the two daughters up and voting now too, so we're pluggin three votes a day in, hope it helps.

Would love to see OYOA get a few awards via the public write in vote in addition to the nominated cateogories, that'd show those jackasses.

Pigman, really? WTF? I HATE that show.

I cannot imagine how that show got nominated.
This is great. I am sure who ever tabulating votes for "Other" is wondering if OYOA rigged the voting box. Hopefully we have no chads hanging loose.
This is going to be somewhat of a rant, but I can't believe that OYOA didn't get nominated and that we have to resort to write-in votes to get this show properly recognized. Let's see.... a show about hunts that the average guy can do by himself on public lands, which are supported with the help of our Pittman-Robertson dollars, with an emphasis on hunting ethics, selective harvest, and time with friends & family.... I mean, isn't this what the hunter-conservationist is all about???? Why do these other shows that really only add fuel to the anti-hunting agenda by showing high-dollar pay-to-kill "hunts" on game ranches get the love from the networks? I don't get it at all.
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This is going to be somewhat of a rant, but I can't believe that OYOA didn't get nominated and that we have to resort to write-in votes to get this show noticed. Let's see.... a show about hunts that the average guy can do by himself on public lands, which are supported with the help of our Pittman-Robertson dollars, with an emphasis on hunting ethics, selective harvest, and time with friends & family.... I mean, isn't this what the hunter-conservationist is all about???? Why do these other shows that really only add fuel to the anti-hunting agenda by showing high-dollar pay-to-kill "hunts" on game ranches get the love from the networks? I don't get it at all.

RM - Thanks for your support. I had typed up a big explanation of why, but figured it best to keep things on track.

I will summarize by saying that such stuff is what gets funded by sponsors, mostly via their ad agencies.

Fan voting such as this does get their attention and is the biggest step in changing what sponsors fund and what networks want to air.

Thanks again for your votes. Keep 'em coming guys. One week to go.
The e-blast was sent at noon. To be in the drawing for the apparel package, all you have to do is hit reply.

Thanks again for your support.

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