oyo new zealand


New member
Feb 18, 2013
seeley lake montana
got a chance to hunt with a cpl friends earlier this yr in new zealand. we did a oyo self guided hunt for tahr,chamois,fallow,possom,rabbit,wallaby. we landed in christchurch and met up with a cpl friends that live down under and a cpl new friends that also came in that day by plane.there was 2 4x4's already for us at the airport and off we went to get a few items at the store then off to the field.well a few hrs later and we were already at the 1st hut we would stay in that night then off up the valley at 1st light.next morning packed the 4x4's and off we went. on the way up we did have to use 4 wheel drive a cpl times to cross a river .about mid way to the hut we were planning on staying in for the next few days we did some glassing and sure enough there was tahr up on the hills.so off 3 of us went and the other 3 would go a little farther up the valley and do more glassing.about 3 hrs later we were in range of a bull tahr but the brush was to tall around him to make a clean shot. we watched him feed for about 30 min. and could never get a shot before he moved over the ridge and out of sight he went. time to make a move to find him again and try this 1 more time.well on the way to find him up pops 2 more tahr just above us around 150-200 yrds .my friend said i was up so off came the safety and a shot fired and the 1st tahr was down.we got to him and the 1st thing my friend said was keep an eye out for more tahr that might try to cross just up from where this 1 was laying . sure enough about 10 min. into the cape job and a bull tahr starts to cross right above up . my friend said to shoot but i just shot 1 so i said for him to try and get him. well a cpl shots later we went back to caping my tahr. those cpl shots were all misses so i won't go into to many details here lol.then about 10 min later bingo another bull tahr pops up and my friend grabs his gun 1 more time. same results as the 1st time so back to finish the skinning .
and a long trip back down the mountain to the 4x4


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got to the 4x4 and off we went to find the others and see how they did.found them at the hunt already and they also got into to some tahr. they managed to get 2 bulls before the even got to the hunt. well back strap and a few cold drinks for dinner and some good sleep that night for all. the next day it was up early and a little to eat and off for some more tahr.
up the valley we went and right away we were seeing more tahr. my 1 friends heads up after the tahr and spent a few hrs chasing some nice bulls before finding 1 that he could make a stalk on . we could see him up there and watch the hunt from the valley floor and he did it this time. well a cpl hrs later we all met up and he got down to the truck right at dark


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a cpl more days in this valley and we found a nice bull a cpl friends went after
on the way up to this bull tahr they bumped a chamois and a 2 second decision was made to take the chamois.[ sorry no pic here ] my friend and i were in the valley in a spot that we could see them and the tahr and the tahr had not left after the shot on the chamois so they took off back up after the tahr. a shot time later they got into a good spot to try and take a shot. from where i was it all looked to funny to see this tahr go over the water fall and then hear the shot.


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well it all ended way to fast for the tahr hunt as some of us had to go back to work .on the way back to christchurch we went to a ranch for a day of fallow,wallaby,possom shooting.


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then back into christchurch for a days rest and get another 4x4. off to the west coast for some more chamois hunting. we got to the area we planned to hunt that morning about 10 am. we got a few things ready to go for a short walk and look over some of this area to get an idea of where we would be hunting for the rest of the week. 10 min into the walk and we see some chamois .its my turn again so i set up for a 300yrd shot and in doing so a tourist sees me setting up and desides to film it.well a min later and im looking at the small river between me and my now dead chamois. so back to the 4x4 to get rid of everything not needed to cross the river and pack back my latest trophy. a cpl hrs later i made it back to the trail and back down to the 4x4. i got a cpl more days of good weather and good chamois hunting here in this spot and got 1 more chamois here


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all in all this was a trip of a life time and spent with some very good friends and some very good new friends. we seen alot of game and even had the chance to go after some. this was my second trip down and hope not my last.
its pretty hard getting use to there no closed season no bag limit no tags . the only permit we needed to hunt there is a gun permit which last for a yr and cost $25 nz


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Awesome adventure and trophies! Congrats! Have a friend down there and he has invited me to come hunt with him. Looking forward to hunting there.
Awesome pics, congrats. I have to say I had to quit reading the text after a couple sentences, it was making my head hurt.
How much did this whole deal end up costing just out of curiosity? Cause im pretty sure it looks like an awesome idea to me!

way way to much so you would not even want to go
bad bad idea lol and plus they all drive on the wrong side of the road

no really it is much cheaper then you would even think
air fare is the biggest cost
even our rented camper 4x4 van we got for the 2nd half of our trip was only 17.77 a day nz
heck the ins was 25 a day. the 1st part of the trip we all just chipped in for gas/food/lodging
and that was under $500 each
guys spend 4 times as much on a whitetail hunt in texas then what something like this can cost if you do it on the cheap like we did.
we stayed in no high cost motels and ate mostly what we killed ever knight when we could
the hunt we stayed in was also next to nothing in cost
we even got our heads and capes back in our luggage on the plane so other then an extra baggage fee which is still cheaper then fed ex our trophy's home
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