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Ovis Strikes Back


New member
Aug 10, 2002
So three years ago I found out my now ex wife was sleeping around with six guys while I was deployed overseas supporting Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Between finding out and us being divorced in April of 09, I may have mentioned some not so nice things on Hunttalk under the alias "Ovis." Well, just this past week I finished up a very interesting custody trial with my ex. It may have been asked of me while testifying if I ever said some ugly things about my ex on a hunting site using the name "Ovis." It didn't take long before the judge pulled the WTF card on her attorney for asking these ridiculous questions and making him move on.

So, I come here today in good faith to 1) make you aware you should be very cautious of what you post on the internet and 2) ask you what your thoughts are of both, my ex wife who is guilty of mass infidelity and her weasel attorney who failed in every sense of the word. Bonus points for creativity.
Was going to offer myself as a character witness, but last time I did that, the guy lost the case. Looks like you don't need any character witnesses, at least not from Hunt Talk.

Was he as bad as the stuttering attorney from "My Cousin Vinny?" I have seen the movie a hundred times, but when I see that guy stuttering, I still laugh to the point of exhaustion.

To the second part of your question, will our comments be part of the case against you?

As far as my thoughts on attorneys, it is the 99% of them who are scumbags and idiots who mess it up for the rest of them.
All smear tactics Fin. How do you attempt to make your desperate client look good as a parent? You try everything you can to avoid a custody case by slinging mud. He and his client lack class and the judge saw right through them both. Winner winner chicken dinner....
at what point do they (women who seem to go crazy) lose everything you thought they were? Crazy A Bit....I digress moving on! Glad the judge sees it your way:cool:
People of low character, which includes a large majority of attorneys, seem to use the technique you mentioned. Try to tear a person down so their client can look good by comparison. Pleased that it didn't work to their advantage.

That ploy is used in the job place frequently, especially in groups of employees who are on equal footing, such as service departments and the service industry in general where management is remote and can't see what is going on.
Having been the kid in these types of situations, I hope you the best and that the two of you can put the needs of the kid(s) ahead of anything else.

If it looks like those threads will be used on court, let us know a head of time some we can make them a bit more colorful for the record! :D
Sounds like she may have a nutty sister in Atlanta. A realtive's son was over there in the desert, she was home with the 3 kids, 1 plus a set of twins. She went batchit crazy and was nailing a personal trainer and doing blow by the suitcase. Pretty much feeding the 3 kids Burger King 3 meals a day. He came home to a loony wife and a beat up house. Some of these gals have some pretty good timing. I'm sure she was just confused;)
Good luck Ovis, glad the judge saw through the treachery of a lowlife attorney. Good luck in your custody battle.
I know a guy that got deployed and he put 15,000 dollars in the bank for the wife in case of an emergency. Yeah well he was gone about six months and the money was gone. I just don't get it.
Seems like a sane attorney (the judge) smelled out the ratfink, making him "move on". So sorry for you and the kids to be going through a divorce and court actions. I'm guessing that lots of money is going to your/her lawyers that could have been put towards much better uses.
I'm not sure how saying anything about your hooker of an ex does much of anything on here because we don't have a clue who she is and we know you by Ovis. If I was the judge I'd be doing some quick reprimand to that lawyer.
Oh ya and another thing, if she brought home some kind of STD and passed it on to you can you sue her for damages?
Sorry she didn't hold up her end of the deal. I hope you never take it personally because we all make our own choices and we don't ever make people choose. Each makes their own. Hers was to wreck her life and try and wreck yours and the kids in the name of some momentary pleasure. Well, let me put it this way it sucks to be her, but she chose it.
Trial is over guys, and I am quite happy with how the judge ruled on it.

Sweetnectar, you get bonus points for your creativity in your post. This was the kind of material I was looking for...
Got mine ordered Randy...personally I was partial to #25.
Ovis, I was thinknig about running for President but I'm sure the other guy would dig up stuff posted by "MOOSIE". People Blow that way.....
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